Edmund Hillary could NOT have gotten up Everestt without Tenzing Norgay!

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Guess I owe them a Coke.

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Said the guy denying what's directly under his nose.

Hey. You be you.

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lewis black does a golf rant. I don't do the linky thing.

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The Party understood that slavery could be freedom, that peace could be war, that love could be hate, that poverty could be prosperity. The Party understood what Julia had learned, what Winston had now, to his joy, learned at last: that golf is work.

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Trump is looking rather like a giant pillow. What with the stress of having to back-track his lies every five minutes I wouldn't be surprised if he has a heart attack before his inevitable impeachment.

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It's practically a metaphor for something.

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I'm OK with his having some privacy when he makes sexxxy times on Melon.

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Orwell is laughing his ass off and saying, "I fuckin' warned ya. You all read my book when you were 15 and you still let it happen!"

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THis just in. Baby born on golf course. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Holy f. That enormous belly on a 70 year old KFC gorger gives me hope.

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Sean LIEcer

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they lie and lie and lie and lie and after a while we are exhausted from hearing the lies so they lie so more and we just give up and don't give a shit anymore. Does no one who was elected in the last election give a shit. does anyone who was elected not think that america deserves to have a president and staff who don't lie every time they open their mouths. I guess not.

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he has no stress. a person would have to give a shit to have stress. His conscious is completely clear. He comes out everyday tells a half dozen lies before breakfast. Has a nap watches fox and friends tells a half dozen lies before lunch and then has optional lying opportunities during the afternoon. A pretty full day of lying and he feels satisfied and then in the evening grabs his daughter's pussy because he can.

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that is why he has moved his daughter into an office in the west wing. Pussy close for grabbing

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