It was a disastrous event all the way around.

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I won't be the least bit surprised to learn of some such dubious document.

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Well, both codeine and tincture of opium are less potent versions of morphine.

I do not seek to debate the lethality of such vintage pharmacological tinctures and potions other than to suggest that their unsupervised ingestion could well prove fatal.

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What other tricks does she have up her sleeve?

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A fella could have a hell of a time with this in Vegas.

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Vowed they weren’t leaving until Seattle abolished the police? They honestly believed the city would agree to this demand? Seriously?Were these protesters also property owners in this four block area(or those with leases or who are renting space for their businesses)?Likely, at some point, they knew they would be pushed out. If they didn’t or if they really believed they could stay until their demands were met, their connection to reality was tenuous at best.

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Especially when their demand (abolish the police) amounted to unconditional surrender by the mayor and city council. All while being surrounded and being allowed to remain until the powers that be decided to remove them.

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Yep. Meanwhile you've got a ton of anarchists who weeks ago were singing CHOP's praises now declaring it was just a failed "liberal" idea and they can't have been the ones causing problems because, like, people in CHOP were acting like "leaders" and they hate leaders.

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We demand the complete abolition of the Roman imperialist state, except for those involved in aqueduct construction, sanitation, and viticulture!

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Twelve point seventeen.

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Best Headline...ever.

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but then what are we gonna use all this riot gear for?

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True, but better than then exposing them and everyone who comes in contact with them...

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Deep, too.

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Yeah, there was no good ending for this and it certainly couldn't continue indefinitely.

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