Volodzko insists Hitler was the “lesser evil” compared to Lenin, which is a third-rail debate argument.

it's also a fucking idiotic argument to even entertain.

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Fun fact: Lenin actually supported Ukrainian autonomy within the USSR, something which Putin now thinks was a very bad idea

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It was mostly Stalin who built modern russian anyway, not Vlad the 2nd. Not even sure what that guy was on about

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The annoying thing about this Volodzko person is that he seems to be confusing Lenin with Stalin. Yes, Lenin had a good amount of blood on his hands with the civil war, and the famine that he blamed on wealthy peasants, but he died in 1924. Stalin was the one who deported the Taters and sent dissidents to the gulags. He had is daughter's lover assassinated. He had Trotsky assassinated, the only one who really understood what to do. Stalin killed far more people than Lenin or Hitler for that matter. Also, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a rich American traveled around the former Soviet states and bought up all the unwanted Lenin statues he could find. He had a building in New York, on Houston St. called The Red Square, and there was a Lenin statue on the roof. There was also a clock that never told the correct time. The building changed hands and the new owners moved Lenin somewhere else. It made me sad, he was a striking figure against the sky. The clock is still there, timekeeping still unreliable

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I shoulda scrolled down

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He didn't even last a Scaramucci unit!

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I did a quick troll through some of Volodzko's writing. Preliminary diagnosis: auto-didact

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That hardly EVER works.

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It is strange how the GQP has problems distinguishing between celebration and mocking.

But, hey, Volodzko has set himself up fine to take over FOX's 8p slot as soon as what's-his-name, the stalker guy, gets fired for a) sedition, b) harassing women or c) both, as is traditional for that slot.

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"In contrast, I could find no evidence to suggest the Lenin statue was created to insult his victims, though standing it in the middle of Fremont arguably does."

For those of you who didn't grow up around Seattle, Volodzko is referring to Lenin's famed march on the Fremont neighborhood in Seattle in 2016, which as you may know, led to the overthrowing of the White Army and Lenin's rise to power.

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And then the next year Seattle invaded Poland, right?

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I thought it was Lenin who relegated the troll to having to stay under the bridge.

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Outside agitator.

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Glory to the great Lenin (statue), a tribute to dadaists everywhere and, along with the Fremont Solstice naked/painted bike ride, a symbol of the irreverent spirit of the Fremont neighborhood.

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Well I guess Dori Monson just died so there's an opening on far-right AM radio in the Seattle market.

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Growing up my best friend was Ukrainian. All four of her grandparents fought the Nazis and Stalin's Russia before finally saying Fuck it and eventually making their way to the U.S. You wanted to get your ass beat by a pissed off Ukrainian grandparent? Say anything about Nazis that didn't start with "those evil murderers" and ended with "they are burning in Satan's special hell." Stalin was an evil asshole, but they did not lose it like they did if Nazis got brought up for any reason.

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Eastern European history is soaked in blood.

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I'm currently reading Timothy Snyder's history called Bloodlands. I can see their point.

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The Seattle Times wants very badly to be a right-wing rag. Owned by a rich conservative family. It doesn't surprise me that they hired this asshole. Unfortunately for them, they service a very progressive town, so they are forced to walk a fine line to avoid alienating their clientele. Their newspaper is already hanging by a very thin thread.

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That’s the direction The Oregonian [spit] has gone in Portland. Seattle’s erstwhile Post-Intelligencer was a good liberal paper.

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Yup, but I still like Danny Westneat...

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Note to all editors. If you are looking at an article trying to compare the relative merits of Hitler v. Lenin, you are looking at an article that is pointless beyond saving and that desperately needs to be spiked. And a writer who should be working somewhere else.

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Or nowhere else...

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Bluesky still won't let me in.

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Newsmax, here he comes!

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And nothing of value was lost.

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