She bought a saaaaaucepaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!

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I've met tumblebugs who are smarter, handsomer, stronger, and better than those three yutzes.

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Wait. You mean he actually forgot to mention that she's a hussy who slept her way up the ladder? (Well, once had an affair with a bloke who was separated from his wife. Same thing, unless you're right wing, and then raping underaged girls is just fine.) He could be kicked out of the Republican Assholes Club for that!

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That was the slam on her before they realized that adultery might actually be a plus in the eyes of Republican base voters these days. Like Borowitz said about replacing Joe: "I think there's a good case to be made for replacing Joe with Hunter. We could still use the Biden 2024 swag. He's a younger generation. And he's a convicted felon, which should help attract Republican voters."

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Also, telling voters that the hot powerful lady is open to sex might make them think they could get in her pants if they vote for her.

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Except that one of the Republican sexual myths is that no Democrat or left- wing woman is any more attractive than a stonefish. They say it and post it for public consumption no matter what they think inside. It's a requirement.

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So? They lie to everyone, including themselves. They're quite human in that sense.

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gorka is a eunuch vampire. never goes away, utterly useless.

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Ta, Evan.

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First of all, Kamala Harris was not "hired" to be VP; she was part of a ticket that was elected. There's a fairly important difference there.

Second, "And at least her brain doesn't literally freeze in mid-sentence." Neither did Joe Biden's; you need to acquaint yourself with what "literally" means, buddy; it's nice word and useful, unlike you.

It always daunts me when macho men like this show how terrified they are of women.

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useful rule of thumb- almost all "macho men" are terrified of women.

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Wonder what he'd say about the minority woman just elected President in Mexico.

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Personally, I'd rather not know.

But I have always been able, with ease, to picture him saying, "My name is Sebastian Gorka, Mr. Bond. Welcome to my little chamber of death."

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'Mr Gorka, your hovercraft ish filled with eelsh. You cannot pilot you way out of thish'

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She's not a minority where she lives...

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Jews aren't a Mexican minority?

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Well, yeah, I'm pretty sure they are..forgot that about that...not important to me, but I see the value...

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I had the exact same dumb moment, assuming she was Mexican :D Don't worry about it, it just shows that racism is inherent to being human and it only becomes a problem if you aren't aware of that and you aren't willing to correct yourself. You're both, so you're fine.

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On camera or behind closed doors?

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Calling the Vice President "a hire" is as insulting as the DEI slur. She was Attorney General and Senator from the largest State in the Union. She was nominated by her party and elected, by a majority which is more than PAB can claim.

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He might have well said, "Black Job"!

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I once called Sebastian Gorka a SILVER-TONGUED SOPHIST, and he blocked me.

Life's little victories...

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Silver-tongued sophist sounds kind of high-class for Gorka.

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He understood that my remark was not a compliment.

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Too high class by far.

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Oh, if she was the candidate, they'd say it.

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They say it now, but they avoid saying it in public.

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Chump's going to use it at some rally. He's just going to come out and yell it.

And he will be so proud of himself.

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“ they have no idea what to do.”

I’m going to somewhat disagree with you, Evan. They do know what to do in the event Kamala Harris becomes the nominee. It is to call her the “DEI candidate.” That is their play book against her: to be as racist and misogynistic as they can be.

And why wouldn’t they? Blowing racist and sexist dog whistles is one of their favorite things to do. It’s not like they have any interest in debating ideas.

So yes, they will attack her for being a woman of a color. They’ll revise birtherism because her parents were immigrants (never mind that Trump’s mother was an immigrant. She was white so it doesn’t count). They’ll attack her for having an affair with Willie Brown and not once see the irony about their candidate having the morals of a jackal in heat.

They have a plan of attack and Gorka gave us a preview of it.

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They bounce between Kamala and Michelle Obama. And now they've roped in Hillary. Because they want to pretend that it's the Party of Women. As opposed to saying you don't see them as the party of Strong Men. As there aren't any on the Republic side. They're old and feeble and too dumb to know when to shut up about abortion.

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Neither Michelle nor Hillary are running. Anyone who thinks they’re going to ride in on a white horse at the 11th hour is an idiot.

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Also, I think neither is interested in running.

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i think they want her to be the nom. or maybe not. might be better in their world to have old joe to run against.

i really think no matter what happens from this ugly D dialogue, we're going to come out swinging.

well, anyway i am.

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Chump's going to go full Il Douche at his convention, followed by the adults in the room.

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Lots of people had affairs with Willie Brown. So what?

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Only affairs by democrats matter.

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I know of precisely one person with ancestors from Africa who preferred the term "colored" in _this_ century, and that was the aughts. God bless stubborn nonagenarians. For anyone but her, don't, just don't.

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What fucking century is it?

Backwards, racist, and crazy.

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I still like the explanation that white people have stronger and more colors than any other people so we should claim the coloured title. We're pink when at rest, we turn green when nauseous, red when angry / exercising / sunburned, pale white when scared, blue when cold, and our bruises are generally more visibly colourful too.

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Especially when their candidate is colored orange.

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Colored doesn't seem the right word. Smeared. It accounts for the ears.

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"Also will be funny whenever Pete Buttigieg is president" Looking forward to that.

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DEI - Dedicated Exceptional Individual

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