Thank you 5$F. You lawsplain very well. I often have to deep dive into legal research and though I can understand legalese, your splainers are better!! And funnier!!!1!!!

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What do you have to lose! amirite?

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Ditto, also too.

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Not so much the problem with protruding manly parts then.

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John Kasich, everlasting shame of Croatia, is horrible. I no longer live in Ohio, but am exhorting everyone I know there to protect Sherrod Brown. Here in WV, OMG, Mooney has to GO (congresstwat for my district). I think we're stuck with Manchin. And there's going to be a big push to get some of these Republicans out of the statehouse, too.

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No worries, my friend. I've missed you. ♥

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I'm not sure how it's regulated. When I first did it, it was about 6 hours, with a class of about 25 virgin jumpers, all-morning classroom session, written exam, practice jumping your 'flare' off a raised platform onto one of those big air cushions... a bunch of stuff. A couple years later, I did it again (different school, so I had to do the ground training again) it was about 4 hours mostly reviewing what we did before, and mostly just standing around out in the field. The students that day were two guys who had a couple-three tethered jumps logged and two virgins.

I think we were supposed to have a minimum of ten tethered jumps and being checked off by a licensed trainer before be allowed to jump free. I never got that far.

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Not so much, no. You're wearing 40 pounds of air hoses, tanks, gauges, computers, etc. so while there's clinging and failing around, no close bodily contact. Lot of opportunity for accidental 'bad touch' crap though from a few nasty female tourists. Female instructors I've known tend to wear full-body suits of some form or another massively cutting down on any payoff from a sneaky grope.

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Same here in NY.No matter what happens, Chris Collins is going to keep his seat.If we can vote out Katko, Tenney, Faso and others, that will make up for it though.

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Yup, a reminder that the Senate races are really, really important this fall.We don't want right wing hacks getting onto courts, then vote Democrat!

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Yup.Every person who is protesting needs to do it at the ballot box as well.

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But this only applies to HUMAN sex partners, amiright? Because according to Wonkette, David Nunes and numerous people at Fox News have been fucking mad cows, and there is considerable evidence to support this allegation, but cows aren't people and are therefore not protected by Title VII, so Nunes and everyone at Fox News can be fired for doing this, right? Please say yes.

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I applaud your sacrifice.

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I always vote as if my life depends on it, even though I'm a New Yorker in the east village. Thanks, $5F.

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Ditto, also three. Wait, wha?

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Which national park is yours, if you don't mind my asking.

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