3,000 years and we still have criminals? What losers!

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These guys protected many free thinkers from the horrors of the christans for 100's of years.. Christans are some FUCKED up people holy damn.. hands down have done the sickest things to other humans no one even comes close to the horrors they committed. The Masons were key to the freedoms we have today. Read a fucking book you plebs.

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Free Mumia! masons!

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Maybe it's a reference to the world that exists in their own minds.

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Ray approves

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Ummm, the Knights Templar were a Christian military order- they were an instrumental power in the Crusades. The Crusades winding down as Saladin unified Muslim forces and began winning back much of the disputed Holy Land marked the decline of the order. They had become a phenomenally wealthy organization and actually helped invent the modern banking system, In fact, that lead to their downfall, as King Philip IV of France owed them a buttload of money and decided to disband them (after they refused to swear fealty to him) by arresting the leaders on a bunch of trumped up charges. This allowed him to avoid repaying his loans. The king bullied Pope Clement into going along with the BS and the Pope ordered all Knights Templar leadership to be arrested as heretics.

The leadership were imprisoned and tortured into giving false confessions by the French Inquisition (bet you were expecting the Spanish) before being burned at the stake. This marked the final schism between the Templars and the Catholic church and the authoritarianism of the French monarchy. And yes, in the process they did fight for "free thinkers" and against the tyranny of both church and state. But they were most definitely a mainstream Christian order- in fact, the current incarnation of the order, as part of the Masonic Lodge, requires not just a belief in a supreme being, as the Masons in general do, but is open only to Freemasons who profess a belief in the Christian religion. Believe or not, some of us do read books...

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Boom! Listen to the words of wisdom wot the Pinhead gives ya!

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My pet peeve is "its" vs. "it's." Sometimes, I don't think 1 in 10 get it right...

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These guys are no match for the Rosicrucian Special Ops team!

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Wow, someone who actually believes Dan Brown novels, eh?

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As far as I can tell, the story is that the Templars were originally ancient Egyptian followers of the monotheistic Pharaoh Akhenaten, who went underground and Jesus was one of their later Grand Masters.

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A pedant writes: Crowley's followers aren't Satanists, although they do like acting all evil just to freak people.

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No, no, no.

Backup to the guy who organizes the secret orgies.

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