The obvious solution is to turn over all incarceration responsibilities to unregulated for-profit prisons. And for efficiency, we should probably start farming out our judiciary to the for-profit prison companies.

To keep things fair, and in the interests of justice, no company who will hold a prisoner can be responsible for convicting — trying them will be a formality that results in conviction, for efficiency — that person. That is, Haul-U Away Prisons will hear cases for people who will be sent to U Store Prisons, and vice versa. That way there’ll be no abuses of the system.

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Thanks for that insight

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Bone spurs won't work this time. Scammers don't let others scam them.

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Also, do they miss the part where in a free market, the workers can leave? Go work somewhere else? Then nobody guards the prisons? To be honest, three people who are quite dangerous already escaped in Southern Illinois this week. That’s just what got reported. Who knows how bad it’s getting? Especially for the relatively innocent who are locked away. I’ve heard enough stories from people who were actually in prison to know that it is horrific when it’s fully staffed. These guys have a high bar for heinous action. Imagine what they let slip from memory. Now imagine they are basically in charge. If you’re going to put men in cages, you’d better watch what they are doing.

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One of my favorite movies.

“I surely love to drive!”

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72 years, 7 months, 26 days to be exact.

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I think it's something about federal laws on jamming the airwaves. Even for legitimate purposes. If course, Congress could pass legislation providing exceptions, and there is likely technology that would limit it to the frequency used in cell phones while permitting things like walkie talkie type communications for guards. But asking Congress to do something sensible is a waste of time.

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Fun fact, those results are actually useless since the guards were heavily coached by the researchers: https://medium.com/s/trusti...

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That's the situation I'm in now. My dad has always been kind of a jerk, but he's gone full-out Foxbot these days.

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Is that halving the staff before or after tripling the size of the system? I mean, either way, you're paying more for less, but still.

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I almost said "they better pray they can take it with them when they die." But then I imagined them in Hell, pushing giant bags of money up a steep hill, only to watch them roll back down from the top.

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This is good news for Paul Manafort.

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