couldn't happen to a shittier heel than ol' Bobbo. I pity the production assistants at WEEI who have to screen calls for the next 8 months.

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I'm sure it was smoky back then. Funny thing is I don't remember that and I was very sensitive to smoke. Do you remember the sculling oars on the back wall? Another place I liked to go to after I graduated was the Kit Kat Club. Now that was smoky.

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Even including the skim, I’m sure they hit many different budgets, to spread the allocation of the total costs so that it’s harder to track and tally.

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I've upgraded my mainframe to craycray.

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There really is a tweet for everything.

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Republicans are usually very transparent that way.

Bobby Jindal hid a lot (all?) of his travel costs in the State Police’s budget, since they are the Governors’ protection, own the helicopter and vehicles they’re shuffled around in, buy the Freedom Fuel...

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Has Stephen Miller not hipped him to the wonders of taking a Magic Sharpie to the scalp?

(I’d find a picture, but who needs that? Some people might be eating).

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It’s hard to keep it all straight, really.

But if you’re willing to suspend logic and the ability to realize the obvious, Faux Noise will let you know who they are each week, so that you can blindly hate the proper parties accordingly.

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They named him after his hairpiece?

“In Soviet Russia, hairpiece wears you.” Okay, seems appropriate...

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Milton. (Office Space)

“Okay, but that’s the last straw. I’m going to burn down the Middle East.”

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A scene in what I hope is the not-too-distant future.

Steve, a disgraced former Trump cabinet secretary, stands in line behind all the other disgraced former Trump cabinet secretaries, waiting to board the bus taking them to a Club Fed. His devoted wife stands next to him to see him off.

Mnuchin: Well Louise, you have been with me through thick and thick. It won't be easy for you, waiting for my six-month sentence to end. And the old bank account has taken a hit. But I know you will be there, faithfully waiting for my return and...

(Looks around.)

Mnuchin: Hey, where'd she go?

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If I ever win the lottery, she's the kind of gal I'm sure to find camped on the front lawn of my McMansion, making doe eyes in my general direction the general direction of my bank account.

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Probably just upcharges them all to the “non-member” rates for the rooms, meals, greens fares, golf cart rentals (plus extra for +5mph mods!!), parking, convenience fees...

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Wise choice.

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We all saw what you didn’t do there.

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