It's Ok, cause every G.D. morning there's a fresh hell!This is motivational!

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Unfortunately, it's a very large barrel.

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On the plus side his idea of using it for all his actual presidenting is fortuitous because there have to be 10 000 000 people already listening and recording every keypress.

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I get into debates with my relatives that devolve into "Fox is unbiased, the rest of the media has a left wing bias, durr durr" i walk away at this point

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We need to make a law demanding the president take a American Government College Class. Clearly you can get elected knowing zero about the Constituion

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That is a special "skill".

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I'm surprised it still works. My Galaxy Note 4 was obsolete two years ago. Completely. No OS software updates. Antennae was wonky. Battery was draining constantly. They wanted me to upgrade to the explosive Note 7. Instead, I went with a prepaid plan and an LG smartphone that is basically disposable.

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I think I read it in something calling itself the Snowflake Manifesto, but the thing about snowflakes is that you get an avalanche if you put enough in one spot.

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Any other year I'd tag them as the ones who don't watch news and are being honest about it, but why the fuck are they not watching news?

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How about a circular one?

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Do you know how to block the trolls? (Little down arrow to the right of post.) I do that as soon as I see them. I know some people think it's fun to play with them, but it only encourages them to go back to the swamp to tell their friends to come join them.

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I think it's a photoshop. The real (haha) thing will be better, I'm sure.

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Before a firing squad.

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He - and the GOP - wishes.

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Actually, I agree, even though I'm a death penalty abolitionist. I get annoyed to no end with the evolution of "humane" methods of capital punishment. The guillotine, the electric chair, the gas chamber, lethal injection--every one was introduced as a "humane" alternative to the "barbarous" method that preceded it. And in the next generation or two, that method itself came to be seen as barbarous, and was replaced by the next "humane" method, lather, rinse, repeat. It's enough to make you think that the true barbarity lies in state-sanctioned killing itself.

If you have to kill people, do it in a messy, brutal and quick manner, like bullets. Don't pretend to be a humanitarian, fucking around with needles and drugs like some sort of cross between Albert Schweitzer and Dr. Kevorkian.

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