Daughter is doing her first Travel Nurse gig right now in NOLA. Having worked at a VA Hospital until now, she is horrified by the conditions, lack of rules re: Nurse/patent ratio, lack of equipment, etc in a private hospital.Other Travel Nurses she is working with say this hospital is the worst they've seen.Her words during the first week on the job, "I will never take a job in a Red state again."

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He's on to something here. Next we correct the vote for non-white voters. Presto. Refuckkklicans have a majority everywhere.

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My mom works in a hospital. One of the doctors came from a practice in an urban community and she could not give out prescriptions for opiates for pain easily (or at all). She's in a hospital the suburbs now and she can write scripts for as many as her patients need.

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That one would be easy to defeat if Cassidy used it because the problem he identified has nothing to do with drug trials. As I would remind Senator Cassidy, he highlighted healthcare inequality. If anyone ELSE tried to use that rejoinder, I'd just say that Senator Cassidy disagrees with them and has clearly stated the problem is healthcare inequality.

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Of course not. It's in fashion at their club.

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Other than all the dead people, our survival rates are just fine.

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I worked with a Black woman once who told me, with pride, that her social services doctor told her she had "high blood." He did not prescribe anything for it and she didn't ask. She thought it was a compliment. Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

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Yeah, I think the sort of "silver lining" was that Doctors were much less likely to prescribe opiates to POC because of the false belief as well as overt racism assuming drug seeking behavior was going on.

Of course the down side was inadequate pain management...

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By the esteemed gentleman from Louisiana's logic, if we just discounted all the maternal deaths among white women, the state would be a true paradise.

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The reason they were Democrats to begin with was because the Democratic Party was the party of White Supremacy at that time.

White supremacists are gonna white supremace, party be damned.

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“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ

Yeah, the man was an asshole, but he was **OUR** asshole. He would have dragged Manchinema into the Oval Office, waved their FBI/NSA/CIA file in front of them and said, "This says you're going to vote 'yes' on BBB."

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Smart people aren't about to put their families through what now constitutes a political campaign, which is little more than threats of physical and sexual violence against anyone and everyone vaguely related to the candidate.

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It worked so well for TFG when he didn't want to let the people off the COVID cruise ship because it would fuck with the numbers.

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Is the sculptor trying to tell me that, after the time it took for Jimi to become the master of the guitar that he was, he still had time to work on his abs?

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They're poor, they're non-white, and they don't vote for Republicans. They have no value.

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They're very much pro-life, but it's a really hard club to get into to count.

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