There were no "controlled substances" at the time of the Founding Fathers, therefore controlled substance laws are unconstitutional under originalism.

I know Thomas doesn't actually believe this because he's not really an originalist, he's just a conservative.

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Actually, fixing sidewalks and improving mass transit helps women do things like shopping and child care on account of how women are more likely to lack a car than men. But do go on senator. Tell us more about what wimmenz want.

ETA: His wife? Asshole couldn't even pretend that he thought about the needs of women on his own?

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Depends on what your definition of of is. Or something.

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"And don't get me started on how bad women are at parallel parking," Cassidy added

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That Cassidy guy reminds me of them sexist racist laundry detergent commercials, "This bill will get you women's rights righter and is great for your car roads too."

The half measure is better than nothin' (but not by much) which is more'n I can say for Cassidy.

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The previous owner of the house made tea for the ladies and they dreamed of all the things they wanted - out back, row upon row of beautiful flowers; poppies all in a row

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As I said in another thread yesterday, this is good. It means all the men in Congress can shut up (or leave town) while1)The 24 female senators and the one female Vice President vote to abolish the filibuster, and2)The 24 female senators and the 119 female representatives vote on a non-compromise infrastructure bill.Even if Sinema and Feinstein vote with the Republicans, that still means the bill would pass the senate 14-10. Then Biden can 25th Amendment himself to let Harris sign the bill into law.

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I know its partly sexism at work, but there is something about her that just screams drama queen in a way that manchin does not.

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Manchin at least seems to be self-aware enough to look uncomfortable.

I refuse to believe that "sexism" is always at work when we criticize horrible women for being horrible people. I don't see it as any different from criticizing Milo or that Breitbart asshole fir being attention hoors, gender loaded as the term might be.

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Reading between Cassidy's lines we find he believes women don't need the Internet.

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This conspiracy theory was plagiarized from Alexandre Dumas père's immortal The Cop in the Iron Mask.

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You have a rational mind?

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Let's fix the roads for the little ladies.

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I don't know if it's the heat but the Wonkette writers AND Charlie Pierce have all been on fire today!

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Don’t Congresscritters have staff whose job it is to write and/or edit their speeches? The Republican ones don't seem to be doing a very good job. Perhaps every Republican congresscritter needs to hire a special Dem staff person, preferably a woman of color, to review their speeches and catch this stuff. The problem is, what Democratic woman of color would want that job?

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