"“These are purely partisan individuals who are clearly bitter about election losses,” he said."

So, it's not that their opinions are listened to and then dismissed. They are ignored all together. Who's being partisan again?

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I wonder if it's actually him and he's trying to throw suspicion around. Mainly because reflexively assuming projection.

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Not to mention the insult to dildos.

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Even worse than when Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat meth!"

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"“They’re representing fringe minority opinions of policy issues.”"

Fucking minorities. It will never end with those people.

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"Snort". You insufflate meth. It burns like a motherfucker but it tastes even worse. So I've been told.

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I think that's why Nancy Pelosi took "impeachment off the table" back in the good old days. If they impeached Bush, they'd have to also impeach Darth Cheney, which would make her president. Which wouldn't look good. In this administration, it would be Pence, then Ryan (SHUDDER!!!).

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times subheading to the comey story: "the president doth protest"

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"Turtle-Headed Dildo Munch" is my new band name.

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It's more economical to eliminate the department and just shovel cash directly from the Treasury to the billionaires of AgriBiz.

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I have limited experience with decades when I was 1 and not born respectively...

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So that means that FauxTUS 45* admits that he knows that Flynn made calls to Russia?

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Mannequins... that were without the heads.

If this were a literary work, one might call that foreshadowing.

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first thing first in my book, and I doubt anything will change by 2018, is undoing repuke gerrymandering. and I have never trusted electronic voting, yet it goes on unquestioned to do this day. maybe there's a reason repukes can piss off everyone and still feel comfortable?

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it was probably made of gold so he ate it.

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This is my take away for this morning. Flynn is under investigation. The IC knew he was fucking like a whore for the Russians and they want him busted. The Trumpenistas know that Flynn is under investigation. Flynn is going to get tossed to the shark filled pool to take the blame as a necessary purge to deflect attention. The Dems will be powerless to do more beyond that even though it's clear Flynn was not a lone wolf actor after he joined the campaign.

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