Our Tom has discovered correlation = causation!!! No. No it doesn't Mr. Cotton.

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What a fucking tool.

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I have just decided that I have the sincerely held belief (tm) based on the Bible that whenever someone says that a person, down and out for whatever reason, is a faker or a taker, I get to punch them right in the face.With or without votes.It is my sincerely held religious belief.

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May I join your church? Will there be cookies? :D

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So Tom Cotton is taking a break from challenging various Iranian politicians to arm-wrestle?

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Nice work if you can get it though--pays $14,500 a month, whether you're at work or not!

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mediCAID extension.

and man that breaks my heart (spoken from a blue city in a blue state and as a health care navigatora0.

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No. None.

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Hold off on the regular SS as long as you can. I went on at 62 because cash flow, but you'll do much better if you can hold out until "full retirement age" or later.

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When my wife was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, she actually got SSD after a brief interview. In retrospect, I think it was because a pulmonologist and a couple of cardiologists had submitted evaluations saying she wouldn't survive more than a few years. And, as it turned out, they were right (it was less than two years).

I appreciated the system, though, because the two kids got about a K a month between them until they were 18. It was a big help.

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Brain too.

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Korean War is still on -- it's just an armistice.

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Isn't that "elected"?

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You may or may not remember me. If I ever meet Tom Cotton, I probably won't punch his Adam's apple out of the back of his throat, but that's just because I was raised to be polite.

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Do you have a newsletter?

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Something tells me he was hoping to head off any discussion of Senator Warren's SAVE Benefits Act. Rather than admit there's a problem, it's more conservative to instead vilify the poor and make conservative constituents believe any extra monies would only go to drugs. You know they don't DARE pick on senior citizens or veterans, so the disabled are a safer target--though all three groups will suffer for the lack of a cost-of-living benefit raise.


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