Dammit, people, this isn't supposed to be part of my job!- Mohammed Javad Zarif

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Lookie Peggy-Bob! It's Presadeeint Tawom Cawottin, raight thar on our teevee scrain! Wait, whuzzat say at the bottom? Huh? Wut's a "Sen-Ayter?" BUT WE DONE VOTERED HIM FOR PREZADEENT!

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No one elected to anything from Kansas (I know it's Arkansas but he seems too stupid to be from anywhere other than the Sunflower State) should use words he doesn't understand like "render", "elect" and "the".

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Fun fact: Appalachia was mostly settled by Ulster Scots---Scots who had been transported to the north of Ireland by the English. They were Protestants and revered William of Orange for defeating the Catholic James II. One of the most common names in the hills is William, or Billy. I have some "hillbilly" ancestors and true to their Celtic origins, they were known for their fiddle playing and their dancing.

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Where do they get these fuckheads? Isn't he supposed to have gone to Harvard Law? How do all these people come out of Ivy League schools not knowing shit? Please,someone tell me...

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Well, if we follow his logic, all the Republicans in Congress were supposed to stop doing their jobs when a Democrat was voted in as President. I don't remember that happening.

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Gee, I don't remember voting for this guy, 'cause I don't live in Arkansas. Am I not one of the American people? Oh, I forgot, I'm a woman, therefore I can't be trusted to make important decisions.

Actually, it occurred to me to wonder about election fraud. I mean, Republicans are constantly going on and on these days about how they need to tighten up voting rules 'cause of all the (nonexistent) voter fraud, so I thought "Maybe there really is a lot of election fraud, else how are all these right-wing morons getting elected lately???" Do I smell conspiracy theory here?

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Graduating from Harvard Law School don't mean shit. One of my friends went there 30 years ago, he told me he was astonished how many total idiots were in his class, all of whom managed to graduate. I don't imagine it has changed much. He said the way Harvard Law is depicted in the movie "Legally Blonde" is fairly accurate.

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I ended up on his newsletter list touting all his accomplishments in the Senate. As you an imagine, it's a pretty pathetic list.

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I went to law school here in GA, and it was easy to pass. It wasn't easy to do well, but it was easy to pass. I guess it's the same at all law schools.

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"How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little f̶̷e̶̷e̶̷t̶̷ hands?"Thank you, Hedly Lamar

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That's more or less what my friend said. He said most of the dumber students came from wealthy families who hired lots of private tutors, and they were not concerned about class rank or doing well - just passing. He was mostly amazed that some of these people had even been admitted in the first place.

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More fibre in his diet, perhaps?

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Local elections matter.

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I got my commission through ROTC. 1976.

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