Hahaha because they would be just as upset if Obama were aggressively using the military. If they're going to bitch whatever you do, you might as well ignore them.

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[Russian] missile technology has added a new dimension to air war. You may have noticed that WWII style blitzkrieg attacks against Lebanon and Donbas failed. Neither of those objectives has anything like the air defences that Iran has. Why do you think Israel, which has a powerful military, is cravenly lobbying USA to do its dirty work? Because they don't want to risk their planes, that's why.

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Cotton is an idiot. His basic idea is to kill thousands of Iranians who will then vow to kill as many Americans as possible. Now that's a policy? Bet he has a "Mission Accomplished" banner in his desk. Cheney probably is pulling his puppet strings.

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Cottonmouth is certain that his plan will work -- he has already tested it in his backyard using his X-wings and TIE fighters.

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I have several Iranian friends. They have no love for the theocratic wingnut government back home, but whenever I ask them if they're worried about a US attack, they just scoff. 'Iran is not Iraq,' they comment, the point being that it'd take a bit more than a month of shock and awe to bring to its knees the country which stuck it out under Saddam Hussein's chemical-warfare missiles for 8 years.

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i grew up in a veterans housing project . . . there were two in my city . . . and it is only 2x2½ miles in total size! . . . rent was based on what you earned . . . and you had to have at least one kid.

[best place in the world to grow up . . . there was more open space than any other place in town except the parks . . . and there was always someone to play with]

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If you wanna have hair,Hair down to there,Rogaine.---- J. J. Cale, revisited

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I wish they'd return to having them wear beanies, so we can tell them apart. Just a simple one-propeller type, no biggie.

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Hey, it ain't war. Watch me try it on Canada....

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Connect the dots, sheeple: aspiring is a medicine, doctors prescribe medicine, Ben Gazzara played a doctor on TV. Know what I'm saying?@!!?

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A state in the far Northwest when its former half-term governor is in residence?

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The US may have had the technological edge in Vietnam (though not by much, since the North Vietnamese received material support from the Soviet Union) but the other side ultimately prevailed due to its superior strategic position (fighting for control of its own country against an invading force from the other side of the globe whose goals were vague and nebulous). It didn't help that the US backed a thoroughly corrupt, autocratic and illegitimate government that was overwhelmingly unpopular with its own people.

The US military and Coalition forces succeeded in defeating the Afghan (Taliban) and Iraqi (Ba'athist) governments and removing them from power. So in that limited sense it prevailed in both wars. The subsequent quagmires were the result of subsequent insurgency wars. After being driven from power the Taliban in Afghanistan regrouped and began a guerilla counteroffensive (still ongoing) and Iraq experienced societal collapse and sectarian civil war. But the two Coalitions did militarily defeat and end the rules of both the Ba'athist government of Saddam Hussein and the Taliban government in Afghanistan. (This isn't the end of the story in either case, of course.)

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I'm finding it difficult to believe that Cotton actually paid attention while he was in Infantry Officer basic at Benning, because he'd know that Iran SUCKS for mobile military operations. Perhaps he fell on his head once too often in Airborne school or something. No one in his right military mind WANTS to send ground forces into Iran, but he seems to be all for it.

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With the publisher included, this works pretty well for Rand Paul as well. Kind of a double meme!

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That turned out well, didn't it?

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