
The LWNJ usually limit their damage to their kids: no vaccines, Beri-Beri because they feed their 4-year old grass clippings and Spirulina Shakes

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Think for decades the average person on Gov't Assistance was

1. White2. Female3. Rural

And the most common reason for this? Because their pickup-truck-drivin', beer-swilling, High-School Dropout Real 'Murrkin Boyfriend/husband RAN THE F#$K OUT ON THEM!

I'm sorry, Uncle Liberty, your answer: "Big Strapping, Inner-City Black Male was INCORRECT!"

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No, the "Bernouts" and "Steinbots" had little to do with the outcome of this election. 90 million people didn't vote, and a teeny tiny amount of them were Bernouts and Steinbots. 30% of Latino males voted for Trump, knowing Trump haaated them. What if only 20% had?

Also, you had the 2 most disliked candidates in American electoral history running against each other. This race was a lot more complicated than Bernie or Jill running and ruining everything. If the DNC had a brain in their head, and that's questionable, they might start supporting more liberal candidates(not berns or jills), because that's the way this is headed. Finally.

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Or tell them you're an atheist. They scurry away like roaches. So will Mormons.

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They're crazy. Mother Earth didn't evolve midwives to help human mothers with childbirth. When my father was born at home in 1915, there wasn't a midwife...they called the damn doctor. Early hominids gave birth all by themselves. Deer don't have deerwives to help them give birth. Chimps don't have chimpwives, either.

I hate the idiots who came up with the idea of "birth rape."

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There are parts of Appalachia that 3rd world country conditions that endure to this day. Mississippi also too. I'm sure that would affect maternal death rates,

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Same here. Being in a touring rock band doesn't go with being preggers. Playing bass seemed like it was tons more fun than cleaning shitty diapers. I knew when I was 9 I didn't want kids because I thought pregnancy was gross, labor was hideous, and breast feeding....no fucking way.

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Solution 2: Don't have kids.

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It's easy to miss if you aren't pregnant and on the internet. But they are legion and they have made an impact on hospital birth practices. Start here for some understanding: https://www.mothering.com/

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Stress is thought to play a role

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It's not all explained by income or even education. I am sorry I can't dig for the study now, but black women with money and education still have higher maternal mortaility than their white counterparts. The racial disparity exists across the socioeconomic spectrum.

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Solution: universal health care.I can haz $12 million naow?

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I'm so glad I never got pregnant (one scare, many years ago, just late -- unless I really was pregnant and, like many millions of women, experienced a first-trimester miscarriage) or had children. If I'm going to live on the edge, better I do it alone.

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Not the threat part, the being nice to peaceful protesters part.

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Mommy can I pet the skinhead?No dear, they might bite.

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Of course they could just leave Planned Parenthood funding alone, but that would be too much to ask.

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