"Come again on 2 salads for table 5."

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The term "pissed off" could have several different meanings in the food service industry.

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Hey... dancing horses take a lot of upkeep.

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Except can we smuggle nice meals in for Barney Frank, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown & their co-conspirators in progressive politics?

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If the Conservative Republicans had their way he would be making a whole lot less than $12/hour.

This Chef is definitely cutting into the profits of the Contractor.

I hope no one spits in their food. 😜

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This is why the royal types have food tasters. Piss off the kitchen staff and you just never know what they might put in that bean and bacon soup. Or chocolate pie.

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British chefs cooking for the US Senate, didn't that get included in the List of Grievances to the King prior to the Revolutionary War?

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Foreign companies serving the Senate? Hell, remember Golden State Fence Co.? They're the ones that got in trouble for building parts of the US-Mexico border fence with- you guessed it- illegal immigrants. Doesn't get more Merikan than that.

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Same day: Same Shit - http://www.washingtonpost.c...

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If it was me I would have dumped a lot of LSD into that Senate bean soup they go on about. His situation proves that outsourcing is cheaper than the government doing things. All you have to do is screw your employees.

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How could anyone tell?

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i used to wait tables - don't piss off the people who cook, and serve your food if you know whats good for ya.

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Hopefully they aren’t so far up their own asses that they can’t stop and have a little talk the people who work every day to keep their wingnut bellies full.

"Dahling, you never talk to the help! It's just gauche."

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"they've seen people dumb enough"... desperate, not dumb. Big difference.

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I think executive orders only apply to executive branch employees and contractors. Most Capital workers work for Congress. Don't know if they still do this, but it used to be that Congress explicitly exempted itself from any legislation that pertained to civil rights, employment practices, health/safety etc. etc. etc.

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Gee, this is like the guy I heard speak during the demonstration the Dems sponsored during the Shutdown, who's a second cook at the American Indian Museum, here in DC, who makes so little that he can't even afford to rent by the month, he has to rent a room by the week, and has to decide, every day, whether to send his 16-yr-old son, who lives with him, to school, or feed him....

Oh, and the prices in DC are unbelievable. I relocated here from Chicago - *not* a cheap city to live in - and everything from food to houses were between 1.5 and 2 times the price.


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