Went without saying.

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Christ on a crab cake! I am scarred by the Farrah Fawcett link. Someone hug me please.

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Radical Left: Medicare for All. Tuition-Free Public College. A realization that if we keep treating the earth like a garbage dump, we will find ourselves dead in a garbage dump. A realization that pointless-endless wars and bloated military spending are stupid? The desire for law-enforcement to treat people of color as they treat white folks?.....yep, that's radical.

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Just like sperm, "Every constituency is sacred."

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OK, but if they bring back leisure suits I'm shooting myself.

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The secret "Hitler Room" in her mansion wouldn't be enough?

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"Given the Dem turnout in primaries compared to repubs, is it really that farfetched?"

Given the Dem track record of snatching defeat from the very jaws of victory, yes, it really is farfetched.

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He is. It's just that Kelli is Wile E. Coyote. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I don't understand why all of the pundits are so confident the repubs will hold the Senate. I think Heitkamp has a good chance in ND (she was well respected as the state AG), Mccaskill of MO is a fighter, and Tester could win reelection in MT. Dems could also pull out wins in red states like AZ, NV, TN as well as TX. If they can hold on to states like WV and FL, it could happen. Given the Dem turnout in primaries compared to repubs, is it really that farfetched?

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Calling them "shitbirds" still allows them to keep their stolen feathers. I call them what they are - armchair warriors whose only service consists of playing Call of Duty 10 hours per day.

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Because white supremacists will only vote for women with the look

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"Good doctor" assumes facts not in evidence.

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Wasn't she also friends with Paul Nehlen? All she needs now is to get Jason Kessler on her bus, and she'll win the neo-Nazi Trifecta.

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In other news, housebreakers are 'passionate' about people leaving their homes unlocked and switching off their security systems, before laying all the cash and valuable stuff on the kitchen table then fucking off out for two days. We ought to hear them out.

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I doubt if he has seen his toes lately, at least not without a mirror.

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And a dull hate, very, very dull.

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