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That's bad news. All electronic, no paper trail, is ripe for hacking or other electronic fraud.

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beats crotch crickets, or so I have heard...

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Thanks for that.

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It's younger sister's fault. She didn't vote, so I am projecting (!!) that she is representative of a certain class of college educated professionals who swallowed 30 years' Republican talking points. I told her I blame her for Trump, and I meant it.

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Selected. Selected. Nobody elected Shrub. I never referred to him as President Bush, just Resident Bush. I should have followed George Carlin's lead and just called him Governor, since he was actually elected to that position in TX.

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I second that emotion.

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I used to think we shouldn't sink to their level, but look how that worked out for us! Don't wait for the release of classified evidence type words, hold multi-day hearings! Grill officials! Say the suspicious words a thousand times a day on every outlet! Don't worry if their really is any classified words, keep saying the click-bait words and make the orange man sit and listen and make faces while you do. Do it until it is as big a joke as Benghazi. That is obviously what people want. Help us Senate dems you are our only hope. When life loses its value and is taken for naught, the pact is to avenge.

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If Cincinnati was any indication of enthusiasm... the tour will be very short lived in deed.

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I've been muttering "You know... morons." frequently under my breath ever since 11/9.https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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My dad was especially delighted (snark)at the depiction of the Indian characters in "Elephanta Suite" by Paul Theroux. I didn't realize how "To Kill a Mockingbird" was a patronizing feel good story which was not based on any real people or real deeds by white people though we wanted to believe it.

I haven't read Harper Lee's newer novel so I don't know anything about that.

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Okay, we'll see what we can do.

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That's wonderful. I live in L.A., in fact in the Hollywood Hills/Los Feliz area, and just read that our neighborhood, in particular, had an almost 70% turnout (almost all for Hillary), and all of us, also, discussed all the propositions (we had several million of them) and the different judges and down-ballot elections. Very proud! When we create a nation state, it'll be so much better here with our three left-coast states.

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It's one thing for America to flat-out lose to the Kremlin, who will have their man in the White House January 20. It's another thing for America's current president, congress and fbi to not even be able to TALK about it.

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Jeez - this guy again? He spammed us with that panda shit about a year ago, and got hisself banned. Flag it, and Doc or Shy will take care of it.

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