Sounds just like her except with a nasty Ohio twang.

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For that matter, does Trump even live on this planet?

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Only in a technical sense.

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And the rubes (like me) see their federal taxes go down $50/yr while the states and municipalities, starved for federal revenues, raise taxes and fees by $65/yr. Winning!!

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Yeah, but even after we retake the House (and Senate?) it will be almost impossible to roll back the shit that will be pretty much locked into place. I'm not sure what the Dems are going to be able to do, since the insurance market will more than likely have crashed and burned.

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If the amount of irony in Al's speeches keeps going up like this, we're going to be able to stick refrigerator magnets to him by 2018.

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I always knew clowns were evil and now I know why!

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They're going to cram this down our throats, we are going to be royally screwed, and everyone screwed the most by this bill will sit on their hands in 2018 because voting is just too inconvenient if there isn't a Presidential race on the ballot (and even then).

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The CBO says Trumpcare will cost the country 926,000 jobs by 2026, and that doesn't take into account any job losses from normal economic fluctuations.

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And use him to press our clothes.

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If it does that, then we'll maybe, just maybe, end up with single payer.

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Face, there's no vaccinations in the constitution or the bible.

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The clever thing about this bill is that it won't start to go into effect until after 2018, and will only be completely drawn down after 2020. That way they won't be blamed in two election cycles, and if they do lose in 2020, all the blame for it will be on democrats. cynical.

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I live in a red state (of escalating rage). Also, Missouri. I have Obamacare/Medicaid, as I've been out of work for SEVEN years. I'm of an age and occupation (mid-50s, ahem-editor) that apparently is not conducive to the procurement of gainful employment--hence my qualifying for Medicaid in one of the back-assward states that didn't sign up for the expansion. I've worked my entire life (with the obvious 7 year exception noted above) and most of my full-time, skilled labor (ophthalmic technician/surgical assistant) jobs paid little and offered ZERO benefits. This was true even after I divorced, went back to school and work full-time 3 months after the birth of my youngest son. I got my degree at the age of 34. I'd been in the workforce prior to my marriage and divorce, as well. But even with a degree and additional training as a medical professional (I wonder if my jobs in healthcare and/or my educational background are worthy of Medicaid, or if I, too, would be lumped in with those unworthy food servers of Rep.Warren Davidson's worldview? Oh, incidentally, Rep. Davidson, you milk-fed asswipe, I DON'T OWN A CELL PHONE, so I can't "trade it in for insurance") I worked 40 plus hours a week for years with NO benefits, a quandary in which millions of Americans found themselves before Obamacare. I have a couple of good friends who identify as Republican, and many more acquaintances and several family members who are similarly disposed. Knowing that my friends and family members can look at me and support the repeal of Obamacare is incredibly hurtful and so FUBAR that I swear to you-if I catch Ebola, Imma use all their toothbrushes and lick everything in their fridges.

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OH and I forgot to tell you guys that I was laid off from my job of nearly 10 years at a healthcare information technology company--one of the top 3 in the world, it was a 3 billion dollar company 7 years ago and has continued to grow--because I was the highest paid non-managerial person in my department, and the company performed a corporate-wide soft layoff to improve the bottom line for shareholders. My life was devastated for a few extra pennies per share. Big Business is a fucking cancer. K, no more whining. Peace out.

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