yeah i tried mccain for 2 days and finally wrote an email.

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They talk anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. You know, the most important stuff.

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They don't know how to read a map so this helps with directions.

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Only 1 out of 860 people will die? The GOP must be so disappointed. I'm sure they'd want more than just one dangerous minority do die.

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i would call, but i live in indiana. this state doesn't participate in obamacare. it created it's own version that wants someone who lives on $600 a month, to pay $235 a month in premiums. needless to say, i still don't have health insurance.

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And run stupid ads pretending their concern for your health isn't about their bottom line.

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Well they already fucked the chicken to death... What was it? 60+ times?

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Those are the fuckers who couldn't be bothered to vote. I wouldn't cross the street to piss on 'em except it's in my interest to fix the problem too.

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we'll never pick off the Trumpanzees- gotta go after someone. There are lots of people too busy trying to survive and too inundated with the both sides crap that sat out- let's make them care

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You mean they didn't see that incredible ending?And by they, I mean Republicans.And by incredible ending, I mean stopping them from repealing the ACA.

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I qualified for Medicaid, and have met my new doctor. I have a complete physical scheduled for next month, a gyno exam the next day. I'm also going to schedule a colonoscopy.

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I know a guy like that, staunch nutter GOP faithful. He doesn't have insurance, but says he takes care of himself so he won't get sick (because eating healthy keeps you from being hit by a bus, apparently). He runs his own blue collar type service business, likely grosses, let alone nets, $50K a year in income- but he swears if anything happens that many of his clients are doctors and they've assured him they'll trade services. Nevermind that a week in the ER would require him to trade his entire yearly income. Nevermind that his doctor/customer's portion of that bill is only one small part of that bill and that the hospital, the anesthesiologist, the nurses, the lab techs, etc may not be so keen on that arrangement. Nevermind that if that doctor is a PCP, he's not going to be the guy in ER saving his life, anyways. It's pure magical thinking on their part, plus the thought in the back of their minds that the bleeding heart libtards will find a way to save them from themselves so they'll be OK

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not in AZ

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Because Vlad said Nyet

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I'd be OK with that

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My wingnut brother said he shouldn't have to have Obamacare because he takes good care of himself so won't get sick.

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