And it's ass.

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Can't they use the Planned Parenthood Babby Parts 'R' Us 'Wish Book' to make some extra babbies like the Frankenstein? They could give these to the Army ladies!

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This has been proposed before:


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Who decides whether they are "guilty" of the crime, which is already illegal, and therefore could be used to shut down PP already if it were actually happening. I suspect there is a devil in the details of how that operates under the law.

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Jim Garrison ("back, and to the left")

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I assume this will end in another Rand Paul grandstand filibuster that lasts two hours but gets days of media attention.

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Like Captain Queeg, in a time of uncertainty they return to an earlier success. "Who took the strawberries fetal organs?"

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Never forget!

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Hmm...could be a problem for me. I'm in Cincinnati Ohio, my airport is in Kentucky. (yeah, makes no sense)

I guess I could take the ferry. Okay it's a deal!

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Nobody can ask him, because after "Thank you for coming, Mr. Trump. I'd like to ask y...." The Donald does word salad non stop for twenty minutes.

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That dog's so cute he could be a cat.

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Backfield in motion?

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This really pisses me off. Fuck those guys, and I do mean guys. With votes.

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Believe it or not, that wouldn't stop the stupid from escaping - we still have ferries here.

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Just like in the hostage taking situation, they grab the nearest innocent bystander.They don't care who gets hurt.

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If I were conspiracy minded, I might think that there was collusion going on between this asshole "filmmaker" and the Republican Party to keep the rubes stirred up about the ebil LIEburals and their plot to destroy America by making Planned Parenthood rich and funding Big Abortion with USAmerica tax dollars, in order to get out the idiot vote and put another Republican in the Presidency.

Then I sit back, let the weed wear off, and realize that no collusion is necessary. The Center for Medical "Progress" (gag) has been around long enough to know how to keep trouble stirred up for an extended period and long enough to know that the opportunistic asshats in the GOTP will do their part to make sure the sludge doesn't settle any time soon. This is going to be a long summer and fall.

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