Oh, I think they get it just fine, but unless it affects them directly, they simply don't care about that. I don't think they really give a shit about "upright working Americans", just like they don't really give a shit about "the troops". It's the money - every penny that goes to us Losers is a penny that isn't theirs. They want the money. All the money. It belongs to them. They deserve it. It came to them on their birthday, tricksy hobbitses..

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If the unemployment aid isn't fair to the essential workers, give money to them as well.

But Stephen, assuming the employed people have health insurance when most of the essential workers are paid minimum wage and given less than 35 hours a week so they don't qualify for benefits?

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It's disgusting. What is perhaps more disgusting is that they're not embarrassed to talk about people as if they were slaves. Or Human Capital Stock. This patriarchal bullshit has GOT TO GO.

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The right just doesn't get that there are fewer and fewer jobs to go to, and that a deadly disease is spreading at lightning speed across parts of this country and PEOPLE ARE DYING. It's the same equation they apply to healthcare: slackers are taking money and resources away from upright working Americans, and it doesn't matter what the circumstances are, because they're just interchangeable widgets and well, slackers.

And FYI, the EDD in my state is so overwhelmed they haven't sent me the money I already qualified for in over 6 weeks. Offices are closed and they won't even answer the phone.

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Toast points, not crackers, darling.

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I'd suggest Abu Dhabi, but Nermal doesn't deserve that.

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they can get away with it because they know that most people are simply not aware of what legislators say. often, people simply don't care. there are other things that need to be done in the life of an average joe than pay attention to what legislators are talking about. how we are to change this, i do not know.

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unless and until rich people have to experience what it's like to have to make all their monthly expense payments on an income of a few hundred dollars a month, they will never understand.

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How do we put him in charge?

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Well, aren't we the hoi polloi?

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I think they should continue the $600 and if your full time pay is less than the state max unemployment benefit plus the 600 give that individual the difference.

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Good question. Let's test it.

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Poor people are the ones who are taking all the money. That's just science!

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This is a couple of months old, so the number is likely much higher by now, but the reporting is that Bezos and other Billionaires (never forget a billion is ONE THOUSAND MILLIONS) have increased their wealth by 434 BILLION dollars since the pandemic began. If coming up with the $600 is a problem, tax them. Hell, even if it's not a problem TAX THEM. How fucking stupid is this country?


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Florida Senator Rick Scott thinks it's “unfair" for his state's taxpayers to “bail out" New Yorkers

WTF is with Florida republicans slagging on New York? Do they not know that they represent Florida, the Florida of all Floridas? Also, does Senator Batboy think Florida has zero unemployment and that none of the money New Yorkers pay in taxes goes to help them?

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Also, he believes that government exists for rich people like him to transfer money from the middle class in his pocket. In case anyone has forget, Senator Batboy was behind the biggest Medicare fraud case in history before Florida did the Florida thing and put him in charge of the entire state.

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