Don't worry, it'll be fully consensual. Manafort (and Stone) will ask politely and Nunes will consent enthusiastically.

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Considering I taught you that joke.... And it makes way more sense in German.

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Trump Alumni Resume Stuffing:

"Special skills or experience:

Helped leopards plan, prepare and execute the eating of people's faces."

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He wants Russia to have all the territory and prestige it had as a superpower at the height of the cold war. This is a given and has been long known. This is the main reason he needs chaos and gridlock in the US. If we are mired in our own infighting we cannot effectively counter him and his ambitions.

He was KGB then, so he knows the actual equipment they had was never as good as advertised. Why spend either his money or the actual country's money developing a super top secret, so better than anything you have weapon when he can just lie about it?

He announced it at the big yearly, "Russia is the best, and even better than it was last year" speech. I think it was propaganda for Russians primarily and the rest of the world secondarily. He also warned that any nuclear attack on Russia or it;s allies would result in annihilation. Which of course made the Pentagon respond in kind. So now he gets to say he pulled our strings too and forced a response.

As I said, MAD is still a thing. There is a point when you can claim you could destroy the world 1000 times over and your enemies can only destroy it 950 times over. There is still no world left after the first time, so the other 999 times over are a waste and you are just as dead as everyone else.

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Not wishing rape on people, even the loathsomes.

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Per my SIL he's a Mormon so he isn't actually a Christian. So maybe, He's the one who needs to find actual Jesus Christ, not the mormony variety... Love hardcore born agains ...

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I got a hold of some secret texts between mark warner and richard burr, wanna see

warner: OMG can you believe that little shit devin leaked those texts to hannityburr: IKR what a fucking tool. didn't he say he was recessing himself?

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With those Soros bucks you got for protesting? :)

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We gotta keep Ivan Nunes (R-Trumpstooge) from being re-elected.

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If he can drive over it, it's a loophole dammit! (Goes along with 'It ain't nailed down if I can pry it up with my stiff and bloody fingers')

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You know which country really worries me?


You see, they actually are nuclear-capable......and it's a damn good question who's in charge of their nukes......

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Can someone explain why Steele, Assange and Russian guy all having the same rep isn't odd? I can't help but feel it undermines Steele.

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No no no. It is deliberate. Ryan could easily remove Nunes. He won’t do it. Why? I do not know. It’s just like the question of does he actually not comprehend that the Democrats are almost certainly going to retake the house and impeach Trump. Given that why isn’t Ryan covering his ass by appearing to be helping with the investigations that are going to be part of the impeachment? Why is he just sitting there with his thumb up his ass? It’s strange. I assume at some point we will find out. Maybe he just in the face of all this disaster has gone I’ll passive and pathetic. It happens.

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We all would be. It would create a measurable improvement in Americans, and others, mental health.

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I’m stealing this and putting it on Twitter!

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Well, the story would pass muster with the editors at Fox News. Let's run with it.

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