Yet another reason I'm glad I left. 😒

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Time to change the clocks...3 yrs ago..Well we will fix that too!

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The truth is, Russia knows there are a lot of christian fanatics along with racists, gun nuts and downright immoral assface and stupid clown people in the USA, lots and lots shit loads. Russia knows all they need to do is to spread some lies in some key places on the internet and that will unleash all this flurry of un truths, distorted facts and lots of non facts coupled with all the insane rhetoric that comprises the republican party and FOX TAINT NEWS and BOOM.. Russia now owns all the stupids in the USA. Thats right folks if your a Trump supporter and you watch at least 4 hrs of FOX every fukn day, then yes it's true Russia owns you. Your an idiot,moron, stupid fuk face clown and you didnt have a clue. Now that you know the truth and your still a Trumplizardicklicker well your just a garden variety idiot. Sorry about your luck. No cure for stupid and the truth wont set you free. Trump knows this so he keeps feeding you the lies you keep eating them and you get more dumber by the minute. Hopefully you will get so fukn dumb you will forget where you are supposed to go vote hell you might forget to vote altogether yeah so keep on watching FOX TAINT NEWS.

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They dont have to masturbate no more they watch FOX TAINT NEWS to get their rocks off. They can watch Watch Sean Jackmeauff Hannity and shoot spooge cakes all over the TV.

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Rudy and Barr both once in Russia get their eyeballs popped out and skull fuked by Putins boyz. Then they screw them eyeballs back in dust em off and send back to daddy Dotard. Dotard pops out their other eye and skull fuks em again thats why they always look so googly eyed when doing TV interviews in fact Rudy facial expressions are out of control he is fixing to blow with all the spooge build up behind his eyes.

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SWWWeeeeaat JeeeEEEEBBUuss...I love my god I love my god I love my goOOODDDDDD oOOHHyeAAH. Halaloooyayyaa.

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Everyone knows leftys are the evil incarnate. heheh Im so fukn evil Muhahahaha.

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ummmmmm.... maybe get your snark meter tuned up?

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Yes, he is -

"Remember, Anderson? Back 15, 20 years ago when we talked about this in San Francisco, it was all about, well, gay bath houses. It was all about round-the-clock sex. Come on, man. Gay couples are more likely to stay together longer than heterosexual couples.”

Sounds like Biden was weird at the town hall, but that clip is totally misleading.

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I don't believe you cannot hold hands with God while you're masturbating. Just use the Pence technique. Reach around Donald with one hand-- or, if you're smaller, and many of us are, stand to one side-- and pump the president with one and hold the other out to God. Voila! (Don't forget to talk about Jesus a lot.) Do this and it'll all be Pompeo and circumcision. (Or pander and circumlocution, or Ponzi and circumscription... don't worry, I'll get this eventually!)

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Logically, according to the graphic, God can't hold hands with you when He's masturbating. And since he is always portrayed as an old, white dude I assume he does what they do.

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A Deep State cabal of Western governments planted Joseph Mifsud to tell the ever-honest and courageous young Trump volunteer George Papadopoulos that the Russians had Hillary Clinton's emails. That was a setup to get him to blab it to the Australian ambassador. And then the Australians fed it to the FBI, who used it as a pretext to get the US government to start an investigation of the Trump campaign, who never had nothing to do with Russia. Which the FBI concealed until AFTER the election, obviously. But the Russian hack thing was just a cover story because actually someone in Hillary Clinton's shop leaked the emails, probably Seth Rich. Which is why Hillary Clinton had him killed. And the DNC server was never taken by the FBI, it was instead smuggled to Ukraine. And those wily Ukrainians were always in the tank for Hillary, which is why they told all those lies about poor Paul Manafort taking dirty money from an oligarch. It's kind of hard to follow, but anyway ... NO COLLUSION.This is your brain on Fox News.BRAVO!!!

ETA: in the meantime, the Steele Dossier has yet to be definitively debunked.

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Poor Trump. Too stupid to be a mastermind, and all he can find is evil-genius wannabees. And they all want to brag about it.

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Which the same person was pushing IIRC.

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The ones who were most influenced by it always say that.

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