But still, when news articles say things like "Gary Kreep, a birther,...". I know San Diego County is pretty conseritave, but jeez.

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"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President."

- Sen. McConnell, 23-Oct-2010

It must suck to see that most important thing elude their sticky grasp, going the way of their laser-like focus on job creation these past two years.

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I met the guy who played Eddie Haskell a couple of decades ago at a home show. He was a really friendly guy. Jerry Mathers was with him, and was a bloated, morose sack of bitterness.

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He was definitely moribund.

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for realz? that would make up for a lot.

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i would like to write a suessian poem to mitch and mittens as mitch and mittens deserves suessian treatment.

however i am very tired today and have to catch up on the cabernet.

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It's like their national leader is Eddie Haskell.

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"You don't go to election with the candidate you . . ."

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Hey, Eddie had a hell of a lot more personality than Romney!

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Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. If it weren't for Bourbon, Kentucky would have little to recommend it.

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I'm kind of hoping some video of Mitt doing Karaoke pops in the near future. Then, and only then, will Mitch get excited.

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I stand corrected. A Louisville Slugger was great in The Untouchables.

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Gee, Mrs. Romney, that's a lovely dress you're wearing today.

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