Disco Dalek?

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Obligatory The Onion classic: National Funk Congress Deadlocked On Get Up/Get Down Issue

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I canNOT even LOOK at him anymore. Effin' GUMBY, and proud of it!

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Asked for comment Sen William Collins (D-Chocolate Milky Way) said "Ah, the name is Bootsy, baby".

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Re-concil-iationis good for the nation!'Cause Repub-licansare block-in' legislationRe-concil-iationis good for the nation!Gonna get you thereif you're very careful

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'World's Greatest Deliberative Body.' With a straight face, even.

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"Fans of obscure US Senate procedure, rejoice! The Senate parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, ruled last night that Democrats can use the weird budget reconciliation process to pass more than a single bill in a fiscal year."

It's neither "obscure" nor "weird". And frankly, it's unhelpful to frame it that way: "this is just stupid, I don't get it, why do I even need to know this?"

To be sure, reconciliation hasn't been obscure since 2009, when our side decided Obama was a Traitor To All That Is Good And Decent because the Democrats couldn't do a public option via reconciliation. And as for "weird", it's funny how things get less "weird" when you take a minute to understand them, be it a can opener or a Congressional process.



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He's fine with that. It keeps his people's hands clean from that icky "governance" that just causes them problems in the primaries.

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Carl (an Ontarian)

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I tried to bring my own brake shoes to the Firestone and they asked me if I brought my own meat to Ruth Chris. I just slinked away.

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This is starting to sound lot like White Privilege. Let it go.

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Caloric carrion

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At some point, just wanting things to be good blurs into being a picky annoying jerk. Actually there's a lot of overlap.

Personally I wouldn't do it; I'd feel like I was being needlessly complainy.

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there was a Cardiology fellow when I was in training who did a great impression of Jimmy Stewart. I might need to watch this movie as I had happy childhood memories of it despite my not seeing my childhood as particularly happy or hoppy.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c...The Senate Parliamentarian gets the best uniform

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