The ads write themselves.

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Preferably sacrifices by someone else.

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Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

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Many Senators believe the rules should only apply to Democrats and Independents who caucus with them.

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For not being involved, they sure amended the shit out of it. For example, one amendment let the states opt out of Medicaid expansion, popularly known as Let the Poor (and middle class working three part-time jobs) Die in the Gutter Amendment.

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If it isn't that, it's tertiary syphilis. Or some other form of dementia; there are many.

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Rage Stroking on a Saturday Afternoon.

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McConnell almost always knows what's in his best interest.

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True that.

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The US pretty much has constant elections NOW. When there's no time limit on campaigns and an election every two years, it just never stops.

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Did someone say 'liverwurst'? On pumpernickel? With real butter and not margarine?

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'He makes me laugh.'

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Actually, the Supreme Court did that.

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Think of it like this: Republicans really do not wanna kill healthcare before the 18 elections- hence all the 2 year waiting period stuff they are sticking in there.They are doing this shit just so it dies and they can go "those damn Dems obstructed us!!!" because they do not know how to fucking govern.Not sure if that is less rage stroking or more rage stroking however

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Manboob pride parade!

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All they have left is rage and feces. There's no explaining anything to them.

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