A dozen Republicans voted to protect marriage equality, so this bill will not be filibustered

''Lame Duck Session' now should refer to Terrorists who do something good after their last suicide mission failed. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I think I can speak for most old gay boomers when I say… “Ernst”????????

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I'll take it. Even Mormons are behind it, which is something.

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A dozen republicans realize their kids and grandkids are liberal af, love all things ghey, and might also be masquerading as furry creatures on the weekends. Now they get out and vote too. Welp, better make them kids happy if we still want to be senators and/or see them at holiday dinners.

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Burt Bacharach looks like a hip guy in his picture...

Then you listen to his music. 😄

"Easy listening", which surprisingly is difficult for me to listen to.

Without dying of boredom. 🥱 https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Sorry, but the Chris Cornell Casino Royale theme is in the top 5 of Bond songs.

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Collins?????? She actually made a decent decision all by her lonesome?

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I was worried about the religious freedom thing. But it doesn’t sound as bad as I thought.

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Why can't the SCOTUS just rule the RFMA unconstitutional?

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When I read that some repubs went along with this, my first thought was, are they all retiring and don’t face another election?

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But will the House do anything with it?

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Because there's very little in the constitution about marriage, and as I recall it nowhere defines it.

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The 1967 "Casino Royale" is a fascinating mess. As well you might believe, since it was assembled in a patchwork by five different directors. It started off as a serious adaptation, with Peter Sellers as a civilian recruited to be the next 007, but then Sellers either left or got fired (depending who you ask), which is why he kinda disappears halfway through. The filmmakers looked at what footage they had, and decided the only way it might make sense was as a wacky parody.

It was one of those big European co-projects with Hollywood, and they kept dumping more and more money into it as the production spiraled out of control. So it LOOKS amazing with the elaborate sets and costumes, at least.

Parts of it are a hoot - I liked the Scottish segment directed by John Huston - but overall, it's just jaw-dropping to watch where all that money, time and effort went. And yeah, the Bacharach-David score is wonderful.

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That sort of reasoning didn't stop Alito from writing one of the most ridiculously ludicrous opinions in the history of the Court. These jagholes don't need to actually supply anything resembling a defensible ruling. They can just make any old shit up they want and what are you going to do about it.

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