I think between numbers 3 and 4 you need to add another "Blame Dems".

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Your words to God's ears!

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And then Jerry Falwell Jr has a party!

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McConnell knows of the 23 R seats up this year, Rs will not lose 13. Only 10 are even in play. Dems pick up 5-6, he still can block anything really important. That is, as things now stand in the Senate.

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The Repubs were enthusiastic about adding one and a half trillion dollars to the deficit in order to give tax cuts to the wealthy.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi....

But 3 trillion would apparently just be wasted on the other 95% of the country.

A big relief bill would actually help the economy a lot. There are three kinds of spending in our economy: business, consumer, and government. When business and consumer spending fall they form a spiral-down pattern. The government needs to spend extra in order to stop the spiral.

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Perhaps we need to all declare ourselves to be fetuses so the Repubs will protect us.

It's no more unreasonable than declaring fetuses to be babies.

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I'm sure the Kushner family and Dump family will be the first to kick out any tenant who can't pay.

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And the first in line to get gov't money to cover any of their losses.

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I think I saw someone on Twitter say we should say we're the post-birth unborn and I laughed so hard. So I wouldn't cry.

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I've never understood that. Teachers' unions are the devil, but police unions are OK...sometimes I think they're way more afraid of those cops than we realize or understand.

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Again for the ones who missed this on an earlier thread.


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I would gladly pay the GOPturds in Congress $600 a week to stay home.

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What's so funny about the Democrat-Republican vis-a-vis is that even a witty blog like The Wonkette spews forth the Democrat vomit. Not that the Republicans are better. They aren't and their vomit is even more toxic. Moreover, the Republican Party is proud to represent American Jingoists United, White Supremacists USA, Bigots Unlimited LLC, and The Proud Boys R Us (includes the boogaloo bois and the vile potpourri of American anti-Semites, racists, bigots, sexists, ageists and any other fucking ist there is). Neither party is capable of effectively governing the USA, which will eventually fragment by vote or by force. (Check back in 200 years. I'll be here because Jerry Falwell Jr. said Christ is returning and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will be eternal right here on our flat planet. He promised if I showed my bare belly and allowed him to put his hands close to my boobs, that I'd be saved. Save me, Jerry, save me!) Here's something to think about {trigger warning for the Maoist Cancel Culture and to fuck with any deference to your bullshit white fragility and horseshit white privilege}: "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." ~ John Adams. “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” ~ Benjamin Franklin. For my Maoist Cultural Revolution stooges raising their fists in the air and promising constant revolution ("no justice, no peace"; they'll be yelling that until the Earth becomes a flaming wadball and is vaporized by a black hole, because there will always, unfortunately, be injustice to someone), I'll quote Frederick Douglass the next time. For you assholes who try to peg me ideologically, suffice it to say I favor gutting the military and support keeping people in houses and apartments (What's a few more trillion from the Fed's printing press, anyway? It's all make-believe money.), keeping food in their bellies, providing the same education for all that the Hollywood Hipsters provide to their spoiled progeny, etc. And, despite all that, my employees still call me conservative! Imagine that. In the olden days, I'd be called a commie.

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"I think we should not continue the process of paying some people more not to work than to work" I agree, which means it's time for you to go, Mitch. FOAD..

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I am sure there was a point to that but I couldn’t find it... the last thing I would want to do is pigeonhole you for your beliefs systems whatever they are. I’m sure you’re part of the solution.

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Retake fifth-grade reading comprehension. Lay off the steroids. Get more oxygen for your depleted brain. Then, you may have success.

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