"The only thing we have to fear ... is a low-flow shower head."

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how about we call mass shootings late term abortions?

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Someone should write a browser plug-in that replaces 'shot' with 'aborted'.

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In related news, yesterday was the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre, where 14 Ecole Polytechnique female students were killed by an embittered v.1 incel. Separated and isolated and shot. That was the beginning of the end for military style assault weapons here. Unfortunately it was the beginning of the beginning of incel movement.


It took 30 years before another slaughter surpassed the total there, and that incident unfolded over a whole day. So anyone who thinks it has no impact on violence if you ban these weapons is either ignorant or lying.

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They're lying. They know how this works. But assault weapons provide big profits.

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Thank you for sharing that. ❤️

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I'm ready to ban all automatic and semiautomatic firearms, and all but target pistols, and mandate training in the care and use of firearms and a prerequisite for gun ownership. Sure, the AR-15 is the rifle preferred by discerning mass-murderers, but it's just another semi-auto in military drag. It's the fast semi-auto firing rate combined with giant magazines that are the problems with long guns.

A bigger problem, though, is not long arms, but pistols. They account for the majority of gun deaths, for the majority of gun murders, and the majority of gun suicides in urban areas. In rural areas, pistol lag behind long guns in suicides by males by only a couple of percent.

The only reason I would exempt target pistols from a ban is mostly sentimental. I used to target shoot, and the people who engage in that sport are typically intelligent, thoughtful, patient, and get along well with others.

So, ban all semi-auto firearms, ban almost all pistols, mandate "militia" training, meaning firearm care and safety training, and we meet Second Amendment requirements and permissions.

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Australia's strict gun laws have exemptions for sport shooting. It's the only way to legally own a shotgun.

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Or, and this is maybe a radical idea, for the more dangerous types of guns license gun storage. i.e. you can only store guns at home if you pass the test and have the proper license. So gun ranges will get theses licenses, as will gun shops, but most people will just store their gun at the gun range, where they can shoot as much as they want. And for hunting you require a hunting license, with important training like "don't shoot people", "this end is where the bullets come out", and "try to kill them quickly, preferably a single shot. Most definitely not full-auto."

That is how it is done in a lot of countries that almost never have pew pew problems. You want to pew pew? That's fine, go to the pew pew place. Or get the high level of training required to be allowed to pew pew outside of the pew pew place.

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Heard this before and it's also a good idear.

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The sacrifices to the Gun Gods will not be stopped. The faithful i congress will make sure that blood will continue to flow as glorious offering and sacrifice to their most exalted of all gods.


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we are number one! we are number one! we are number one!

America, Fuck Yeah!

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Proud to be no. 38 in measures of heath, happiness, economic well-being, literacy, and democracy. Thanks, Republicans!

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What I hear: "I'd like to offer my sincerest inaction to the future victims of gun violence."

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Heroin and cocaine are illegal. Yet, I can walk out the door and within an hour have as much of either as I have money to buy. Banning "assault weapons" will have a similar effect. They'll still be readily available,. maybe just cost a little more. Good news if you are a black market arms dealer,.

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That's a you problem. Most people aren't that in touch with drug dealing scum, so most people would not in fact be able to get as much heroin or cocain as they want.

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But you can't purchase a Kinder Surprise Egg in the US. That ban has contributed to how many deaths, Einstein?

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talk to the survivors of the port arthur tragedy in tasmania and then count how many mass shootings we've had in down undah land since we stood up and banned those guns (hint - zero). Now tell me it won't work troll

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You can buy these weapons in most parts of the world where they are banned, genius-if you have five figures or more to splurge. That’s a lot of dough for a rage boner mass murder though, so...

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That’s a false equivalence and you know it. No one is buying illegal cocaine or heroin specifically to slaughter others.

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Miss the point often? Making something illegal does not automatically result in a reduction of availability Guns are inanimate objects which only become harmful when they are in the hands of people wishing to do harm Keep them out of those hands.

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You're a fucking imbecile.

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"Keep them out of those hands." Exactly. That's what assault weapons bans are for.

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you are kind of an asshole, huh?

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its a low effort troll - he's prolly sitting in his moms basement giggling about how triggered we are for bing owned

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He's got all the talking points from ten years ago.

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Guns are inanimate objects designed with the specific purpose of being lethal.

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And what would happen if heroine and cocaine were available with no questions asked at your corner 7/11?

Your country allows states to ban fireworks, including sparklers, because they are dangerous.

Battlefield weapons? No.

The rest of the world can see how insane this is. What is wrong with Americans?

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Heroin and cocaine WERE once freely available. That's why they're now banned.

Look up "The Great Binge".

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Not the corner 7/11 but regulated dispensaries. What's wrong with Americans? Nothing other they have been lied to repeatedly by gun manufacturers and paid to play politicians. Any regulations will result in a total loss of freedom to own firearms!! Of course that is total bullshit. Ownership of firearms could be well regulated without infringing upon your rights, unless you happen to be insane or a criminal.

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In most civilized countries, the "total loss of freedom to own firearms" would be considered a good thing.

In the UK, for instance, the Olympic Pistol team has to practice abroad, since pistols are illegal, a policy widely supported by the general public.

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Yes, pistols are restricted, but you can shoot plenty of other guns.


They're just well regulated.

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An unfortunate phrase, really.

But yes, they are.

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Banning certain types of firearms is fraught with problems and will do about as much to curb gun violence as making heroin illegal does for the drug problem. We need "gun owner" control. All gun owners must be licensed and every firearm registered with strict protocols for ownership transfer. Much like motor vehicles

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Those two are not comparable. Gun restriction has consistently worked all over the world to reduce gun deaths and mass shootings.

Drug restriction has consistently failed to work all over the world to reduce drug deaths.

The solution is cultural, yes, but banning certain types of firearms would affect the culture.

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Only the last phrase of the Second "Shall not be infringed" No mention of the well regulated militia of which as a gun owner you are obligated to be a part of if called upon to do so. The intent of the Second amendment was to give the federal government the capability to quickly muster a defensive force if the need arose in a time when we had no large standing army

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Nobody cares about that post-it someone stuck to your constitution at some point. Anyway, the wording is ambiguous, and I am not going to argue about it with you, because I don't care about your silly documents.

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Your arguments are about 25 years old. Any NEW ideas on guns, professor?

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Technically a couple of mass shootings yesterday. There was also a shooter in Austin and San Antonio, but since it was spread out over a long day and across two cities, they didn't classify it a "mass shooting." Just a guy who shot a bunch of people on a road trip, I guess. Anyway, it's Texas so none of this information is novel.

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The only amendments the Gross Old Perpetrators seem to care about and hold sacred are the Second, and, increasingly, the Fifth. 🤔 Strange, that.

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I almost made the mistake of wanting to point out that they would probably have a change of heart if one of their MAGA chuds showed up with an assault rifle and took out a few of them (fucking looking at you, Hawley,) but then I realized they would probably take selfies with the shooter. Never mind.

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You'd get (or indeed America would get) a "hate the shooter not the gun" moment from them.

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Hate the shooter? He’s just a tourist visiting the Capitol; a patriot, if you ask them.

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Remember when Steve Scalise got shot? Nothing changed, including Scalise's mind.

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There’s no getting through to these people. Even when things go through these people. It’s a death cult.

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You can't reason with cultists Until they are de-programmed its hopeless

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And we’re all held hostage by violent, armed psychopaths in the meantime.

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Let the de-programming commence forthwith!

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Sane policy:

Ban all handguns, save 20k lives a year.

(The National Firearms Act back in the day was going to do that, but they blinked).

Reasonable compromise:

Anything more than a single shot weapon needs special training (annually) plus a license that requires annual background check (automatic).

Want something fun? Like an AR? Ok, now it's all that plus the police come and inspect your storage annually (any time they want) you need to have been a member in good standing at a shooting club for at least 12 months and get two members to support your application. And you get an annual psych review as well.

But in return we stop with all the "ban it if it's got this technical feature nonsense". You go though all that enhanced license stuff and you can have all the high capacity mags you want.

But if you get as much as a DUI you lose that license, and can't ever get it back.

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Also too: Registration, licensing, and INSURANCE (liability, at least). We require it for automobile ownership -- which are not created with the sole purpose of Making Large Holes Thru People and Things. \fffs

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I've been advocating licensing and registration for years. For the record, I am a gun owner. Problem is it will result in a decrease in new gun sales for a time.. Can't have that!

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One positive. Several orders of nuns found they were shareholders of Smith and Wesson, and have sued the board of directors claiming its sales of AR-14s damanges the company's image and impacts their portfolios... never underestimate the good deviousness of nuns.

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Had this conversation on here yesterday about just how badass for good nuns can be.

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Cue Blues Bros: 'The Penguin wants to see us'

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The nuns are very, very good at shareholder activism. They have been doing it for over 30 years and they are persistent.

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