The people who talk about "running the government" like a business never seem to realize that if they actually wanted to do that, it would entail shutting down Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other states that have been running at a loss literally for decades.
They're only too happy to confuse "entitlement program" with "sense of entitlement" -- which is what they have -- because every conservative accusation is a confession.
"Federal budget lingo can get confusing and nowhere is that more apparent than with the term “entitlement.” People well-versed in budget parlance take it for what it is: a technical term to describe a certain category of federal spending. Others, however, take it as a pejorative way of describing certain social insurance programs, most notably Social Security and Medicare, as “welfare” programs.
It is not unusual, therefore, for people to confront politicians or commentators who refer to these programs as “entitlements,” with questions such as “Why do you call Social Security (or Medicare) an entitlement? We paid for it.”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) defines entitlements this way:
A legal obligation of the federal government to make payments to a person, group of people, business, unit of government, or similar entity ...
A similar definition is contained in the U.S. Senate’s glossary:
A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs."
He seems to have agreed to that. It would take either extraordinary unity among the GOP to oust him or participation by Dems, who have no incentive to participate. So I foresee repeated no-confidence votes, which he wins. Basically one more way to waste time watching the GOP fight with itself.
i've been doing ACA crap since...god...2013. i wanted to slit my wrists in 2017 (mccain's thumbs down was life giving...). and now i'm back in the corporate world and begging NPOs to take me back.
Then he can scream Biden's a dictator. That's so much more preferable than Republicans fucked us over again.
The people who talk about "running the government" like a business never seem to realize that if they actually wanted to do that, it would entail shutting down Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other states that have been running at a loss literally for decades.
As crazy as the crazies on the SC are, they still want to see their agenda enacted. That can't happen if the country's a smoking ruin.
Gah! Inflation! Thanks, Biden.
"I'm not getting my fingerprints on THAT train wreck."
Absolutely.It's about damn time we stopped kowtowing to these shits.
"Manchin and Romney both insist that immediate cuts to Social Security and Medicare are "off the table." "
Yeah, and Roe was "settled law", too -- right up until it wasn't.
Poo-flinging is an act of boredom. Perhaps we should find some real work to keep these folks engrossed.
If it weren't for that whole indoor plumbing thing, Congress would always be in need of strong backs to dig new latrines.
If he's got anything more than two years left in the minority, he's gonna be pissed.
That, and an onion tied to your belt.
They're only too happy to confuse "entitlement program" with "sense of entitlement" -- which is what they have -- because every conservative accusation is a confession.
"Federal budget lingo can get confusing and nowhere is that more apparent than with the term “entitlement.” People well-versed in budget parlance take it for what it is: a technical term to describe a certain category of federal spending. Others, however, take it as a pejorative way of describing certain social insurance programs, most notably Social Security and Medicare, as “welfare” programs.
It is not unusual, therefore, for people to confront politicians or commentators who refer to these programs as “entitlements,” with questions such as “Why do you call Social Security (or Medicare) an entitlement? We paid for it.”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) defines entitlements this way:
A legal obligation of the federal government to make payments to a person, group of people, business, unit of government, or similar entity ...
A similar definition is contained in the U.S. Senate’s glossary:
A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs."
"GOP Blasts Dems for Insufficient Resistance to GOP"
As the old joke goes, "Second prize was TWO weeks in Detroit".
He seems to have agreed to that. It would take either extraordinary unity among the GOP to oust him or participation by Dems, who have no incentive to participate. So I foresee repeated no-confidence votes, which he wins. Basically one more way to waste time watching the GOP fight with itself.
I got mine to sell popcorn at football games. Best job ever!
i've been doing ACA crap since...god...2013. i wanted to slit my wrists in 2017 (mccain's thumbs down was life giving...). and now i'm back in the corporate world and begging NPOs to take me back.
navigators rule the world!