It's great to know how much Republicans love The Troops, as long as The Troops are about to go blow some stuff up somewhere and keep the world safe for whatever it is we're keeping safe this month.
I'm still trying to figure out why the downfall of Western Civilization is based on whether or not a few folks believe it's their personal duty to propagate the nation - the way our numbers are expanding, I'd guess it to be just the opposite...
All together now: "RETHUGLICANS ARE DICKS!"
This is faptastic news for a dull Friday afternoon!
Do gays really need to have rights? It all seems so icky.
I'm still trying to figure out why the downfall of Western Civilization is based on whether or not a few folks believe it's their personal duty to propagate the nation - the way our numbers are expanding, I'd guess it to be just the opposite...
Why does the Republican Congress hate America's veterans?
"Veterans served their country bravely, and yet some are deprived of the very rights they risked their lives to protect"
That seems to sum up nicely the history of the U.S. military.
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, that is, the ones we like, that vote like us.
I'm sure they love the gay ones too, just quietly, in secret, in airports throughout this great nation.
Can't wait to hear what the foamers of the 101st Chairborne Infantry have to say about this.
C'mon. You go to War with the Army you have not that dreamy, slithering pile of sweaty boys Republican men fantasize about.
They don't hate American's veterans, silly.
They hate THE SIN (of surviving their expensive injuries and not dying on the cheap. And being all icky gay-married, and stuff).
Like I said...
*koff* Lindsey Graham *koff*
Jeanne Shaheen. Ron Johnson, Rhyming names are bipartisan, why can't benefits for gay veterans be so?
You mean voters like the ones that booed the gay soldier on video from Iraq during the 2012 GOP primary?
*Looking at the budget* Welp, looks like we are going to have to cut SNAP benefits again to pay for this....
~ the GOP