Those pedophile lawsuits are fucking EXPENSIVE ! Oh....sorry.

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Be thankful that you live in a civilised country.

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Bankruptcy ! Selling the trailer wont pay for Jack Shit !

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So to be concise, "We're fucked."

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I like your monarchy. Maybe its a Plan B to have around just in case this democracy thing doesn't work out. I like the Duchess of Cambridge. She seems to have her shit together. Harry not so much. No offense.

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Unless it's "single payer" it ain't healthcare, its "insurance company care".

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"I can't think of a single person who I want to pay health insurance for."

-The republican version of single payer health care.

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"Isn't magical thinking wonderful?"

Two thoughts here: 1. You think people's memory's won't be so short term they'll forget who's actually responsible for the loss of their coverage if they delay it? I'm surrounded by multitude people who ask multiple times during the day what day of the week it is. People will forget.2. If we're talking about magical thinking, I'd rather think about the spells my magical cat girl persona casts in Final Fantasy 14. It's more fun and will provide about the same amount of coverage for real world health problems as the AHCA.

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We are so fucked. Everyone. No matter what insurance you have, or how you get it, Trumpcare is going to fuck you over.

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Why not both?

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No. They're stupider.

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You just don't understand business math the way a bankrupt casino owner and his gang of fuck ups do.

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Actually no, it's just slow. I was able to send faxes to my senators today.

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I lived with no pain treatment, and thus medical care for over 13 years because of member of the one percent's drunk driving / hit and run. I had my skull fractured and four vertebra broken, as well as nerve damage.I know from experience:You can't collect damages from the ultra wealthy, It quickly becomes almost impossible to get decent medical care if you can't pay the bills.F everyone who supports their sick bill. I wonder if anyone who has a "chronic medical condition" will take it personally, towards the turtle an other sycophants.

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Thanks Mr. Murray.

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No words. So sorry that this happened to you.

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