She likes that side of the desk? Do tell? MSNBC?

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So you know someone who is happy paying thru the nose for nothing?

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A moose once bit my sister...

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened endof an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - anOslodentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an OsloDentist","Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...

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I am not just referring to the MSM, but outlets like Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan and of all places Teen Vogue! I share this article earlier today as well.Donald Trump's Alleged Sexual Preference For Golden Showers Goes Viral - For all the wrong reasons http://www.teenvogue.com/st...

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No, but Google Translate can: "Welcome to a sick world."

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During his press conference, Trump praised himself for passing up a big deal with a Middle Eastern real estate developer. In Normal World, we call that "minimum ethical expectations."

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Like a frat boy bragging about how he didn't bang the 18 year-old girl he found passed out in the back bedroom at the kegger.

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They liked it when he was attacking the Lady who Would Be President, because misogyny?

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The moose comes in second. First place goes to the Berkowitzes, a married couple dressed as a moose. The moose is furious. The moose and the Berkowitzes lock antlers in the living room....

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He's referring to all the idiots who insisted that their former plans, with low premiums, were "better," even though those plans had lots of fine print and would never have paid for anything.

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They voted last night to strip funding and target coverage for people with preexisting conditions, benefits for veterans and money for rural hospitals. So Trumpcare will be shitty. Where is the money going? Tax cuts for the rich, of course.

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And give us more tasty GMOs in our food chain! Yum!

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The most important thing to remember, in discussing the ACA, is it isn't just the 20 million Americans who got insurance through the exchanges that will be cruelly affected. It's the millions and millions and millions of the rest of us, who were finally able to rest easy knowing that we had adequate coverage, no more lifetime cap, free preventative care, no more being booted off for pre-existing conditions, the godsend, absolute godsend, of being able to cover our young adult children up to age 26, mental health care parity, and the knowledge that if our kids needed health care past 26 that they could get subsidized health care as well. It's horrific. It will affect millions and millions and millions of us. All out of the shittiest kind of spite and racism, just to deny the black man his legacy. It is heartbreaking. It is shameful. It is unAmerican.

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Blue Steel Libelz!!1!!1

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