"Back in the day" was 13 colonies. Was New York the biggest?

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For sure. The roots of the process taint it a little bit, but neither can I think of something more equitable.

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Blankenship is a terrible choice. I always thought the gave tribute to the Gods that the Gulf disaster happened at the same time, as he killed more people than the wellhead spill.

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The most interesting part of it is that it actually complicates a more simple word. More interesting is "orientate": you orientate a compass but you orient yourself to your surroundings. Go figure on that one. !

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Senator Heitkamp was merely representing her constituents in North Dakota.Democrats must not sacrifice a majority in Congress in a vain attempt to enforce ideological purity.Getting rid of Traitor Trump is too important.

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and we pointed out how the Greens did the same thing to about a dozen of their candidates. A week before their convention, they had 13 or 14 candidates, and then the Monday after, just Jill all by her lonesome.

I either missed this or forgot it. I am requesting a short reminder what happened re. the greens and the convention and Stein.


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Or worse, a weakening of your means of obtaining bread in the first place, aka negative bread.

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"The Senate on Thursday confirmed a former coal industry lobbyist as the second-highest official at the Environmental Protection Agency..."

Heidi voted to confirm him. She also voted to confirm Scott Pruitt. Yes, voting for her is better than voting for a repub but it is a "hold your nose and vote" sort of thing.

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I question the veracity of the state results in the second link; Jill Stein was never formally registered as a candidate in Georgia, and possibly a handful of other states. The Greens didn't get on the ballot here, and as no Green candidate bothered to register as a candidate in Georgia, even write-in votes for them couldn't be counted per state law. I know at least a couple of other states have similar laws, making the Green 'primaries' in those states legally meaningless.

Long story short, I don't see how the Democrats did anything differently from the Greens in choosing their 2016 candidate.

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I grudgingly accept that people use "ask" as a noun. But I really don't see why, since we have the perfectly cromulent word "request" at the ready...

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Ah, I see you've discovered Say Anything, the idiot blog local moron Rob Port runs to publish stories and smears as requested by his big money national republican supporters.

A couple years ago his festering mess of a blog was bought out by the local newspaper conglomerate and they made him a columnist. I'd say it cost them their credibility, but that was gone decades ago already.

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...except for when they do. But hey, details are difficult, they frequently get in the way of righteous snits.

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She'll be lightyears to the left of any North Dakota republican you're likely to get, too. Her current opponent included.

Geopolitical context is key.

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