Those prisoners ain't gonna rape themselves, after all.

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Also, the wikipedia post says French Navy That's funny.

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They don't call it "The One Star State" for nothin'.

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McCain has 7 or 8 <strike>mansions</strike> houses. Which porch will he be using?

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Just for that six months in college though.

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Someone tell me what I am missing here.

The Republicans just gained massive victories in the midterm elections, but I can't think of a single individual policy they support that has popular support. That'd seem to indicate that what happened was a vote against Obama, not a huge public mandate for their party, because they've defined themselves based entirely on what they are against instead of what they are for.

Despite this, the Republicans are acting like they are popular again and doing whatever the hell they want.

Again....what am I missing?

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Part of repeal, and why there is a window for "full implementation," is that they now have to go and revise the UCMC.

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That's been the unofficial motto for forever. They ain't called the Fightin' Faggots for nothing, people! The only reason the Marines were the service with the highest level of resistance to repeal in that survey was because if gays could serve openly, it would take the thrill out of their shower orgies.

Seriously, though, my gay mentor/guru is a Marine, and "sexually twisted" doesn't even begin. And from his stories, it's not like he was unique!

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Hahahahahahahah, seriously I laughed. Real question when did he lose his mind?

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Sure, dropping the soap is easy, but dropping the soap dispenser is almost as easy and anyway, it's all the same in the end.

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It's very flattering for some the others may prefer Navy.

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Not really, it's a deliberate reference to the time of day I signed up. Just a passing phase of paranoid logins and passwords that made me laugh crazy like over the Gawker mess. My little password book looks like it belongs to Nancy Drew.

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Oh, now I see why. Nice work! Sometimes they really don't like you and other times it's just meh. The crack about the baby in the manger somehow just confused them.lol Well, carry on.

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Can you march to It's Raining Men?

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MSNBC spent about 30 minutes on the matter before returning back to prison porn.

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