We stocked up on a lot of stuff, I guess just not the stuff we needed. I doubt we could have found a space heater after Thursday, anyway. Panic set in around here.

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I've lived in Texas all my fifty-seven years and rolling blackouts have never happened, except for once in 2011 when it was so hot, and it only happened once.

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I'm picturing old, bald men so maybe?

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That, or talk to all the people that voted for him.

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We should plant a huge criticism of Putin in RoJo's name, and wait for him to defend Putin.

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Ok, I need someone to inform me better about something.

GOPers have touted this line about how the armed insurrectionists stayed within roped-in areas inside the Capitol. I've seen images of it. But we know from other sources that those same armed insurrectionists were bashing in windows, breaking down doors, and occupying offices like they were legally and rightfully there with no I'll intent.

So I ask you, Wonketteers: We're the armed insurrectionists staying within the velvet ropes, or nah?

They were, in point of fact, armed insurrectionists. I cannot say that phrase enough.

And fuck Ron Johnson.

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Senate's dumbest Republican. Isn't there a race for the bottom? I would put my money on Tommy Tuberville.

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Toldja Ron would take back his title. The shame of Wisconsin and the dumbest Senator.

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I expect it to go back and forth between the two, but don't count Ron out!

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Happened to us after Sandy - 9 days without power or water. It stayed in the mid-30s all that time, so were pretty chilly, too.

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"Worked for me!" - IATG!

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You can flush if you keep a rain barrel. It just takes a bucket of water to make the toilet flush.

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Morning Joe Called him "Incredibly Stupid Johnson" this morning and I'm using that until he's out of office!!!11!!

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When is this asshole up for reelection? Vote. Him. Out.

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Well, he chose the best snake oil that frausters can pitch - Donnie's fave - hydroxychloroquine!

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