for the last 5 years, it seems like every accusation is a confession from the fascists and the authoritarians.

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No, that's Ripon, CA. I'm from Ripon, WI.

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I'd assume that someone wrote 'JUST KIDDING' on the original copy of the document. In crayon.

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Fuck that. Tommy Tuberville FTL

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I do not understand how Democratic legislators, at either the state or federal level, resist the urge to throat punch their Republican colleagues

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Here is part 1. Spread the wealth!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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“We need to be honest with the public.” JFC! He even lied about being honest. That some inception level bullshit.

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At some point that has got to explode.

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Is he suggesting the Kennedy method of making Biden a half-therm president?

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Reached for comment, Joe Manchin got to his knees and wept, praising Barrasso's comments as yet another shining example of GOP bipartisanship and swearing he has never seen so much sweet beautiful democracying in his entire life and is now double secret probationing against eliminating the filibuster.

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Crazy question: could we just... unbuy them? I'm not a huge fan of bribery, but when it comes to literally the future of our country, what if every democrat just sent a few dollars to a "Joe Manchin for re-election, but only if he gets rid of the filibuster, otherwise we'll send it to someone else" fund? :D (I can dream...)

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Hate to say it but he has LOTS of steep competition for that.

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The GQP are offering their voters open encouragement to hate and even kill people they don't like. We've seen many times throughout history that permission to torture and murder is more powerful than money to bloodthirsty bigots

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This shit again.

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Bwahahaha. Idiot gonna idiot, I guess.

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I don't read that as an impeachment threat I read that as an assassination threat.

Remember when the secret service visited the kid for drawing a picture of W with a spike head?

Arrest this Bare Asshole for threatening the life of the president.

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