I know. I can’t stop watching it. I have so many questions. Do you think he has a holster? If so, can he reach it? Do conceal and carry laws allow fat folds to be used? Are bullets capable of achieving escape velocity from the shooter? Enquiring minds…

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And that Constitutionally protected reproductive rights (aka first trimester abortion), must be not just \"well-regulated\" but \"over-regulated\".

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Dear Senator, If I go insane please don’t let me have a gun. You’re Friend From Saturn, Monsieur Grumpe

PS Can you do something about the price of tin foil? It is getting too expensive to keep the voices out.

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Even in Alaska, they're probably not nearly as keen as the NRA on letting criminals and maniacs buy guns without background checks.

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Well if that isn't the greatest GIF ever. I'm spreading it far and wide.

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I'm wondering what caliber of bullet you'd need to bring him down. What do they use on rhinos?

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These findings are suspect. There are too many reasons to dislike them.

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Let's not forget Max Baucus (D, Gun Lobby), who's numbers I don't know but they're so bad he's not even going to <i>try</i> for re-election.

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There really is only one freedom in the Wingnut Constitution (TM), and that's the right to be a heavily armed right wing nut job.

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This means that I must acknowledge that the American voter has some idea of what is going on in the world, is properly analyzing the situation and forming coherent solutions.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Derpdederpderp!

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They didn't even vote against background checks. They voted against <i>voting</i> on background checks. That's how our democracy works: minority rules.

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Let them eat flak.

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