Other states ship their mentally ill petty criminals here? My state makes so much more sense now!

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They are Christians "by intent", not by practice.

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It's time to ask what is wrong in Kentucky. In every other state east of the Mississippi, not to mention the eastern provinces of Canada, mentally ill petty criminals automatically ship themselves to Florida.

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I bought a pallet of Rick Scott wood. All of the wood was crooked.

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I'd rather break down in Orange County, myself. Laguna Beach, maybe.

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I wouldn't mind if my bus broke down in Laguna Beach.

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Don't worry though because Kentucky has millions more nutjobs that are actually from Kentucky and they have to keep on being the state that keeps on giving. In this case, plenty of nutjobs and people with social and cultural problems that would make the rest of America laugh. Its like one big hillbilly f---fest in Kentucky to begin with which explains why these social imbeciles are allowed to procreate and continue their progeny of bad genes and moronic behavior. The only reason Florida doesn't float away with the rest of the Southeast is the fact that Kentucky sucks.

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Realize that a good percentage of Kentuckians are generational morons and have been for decades if not centuries. Hard to believe but even back from 1792 when Kentucky became a state until the present day Kentucky regularly gave out public money from the taxpayers for the personal maintenance of those deemed "idiots" which is why Kentucky today is a poverty stricken welfare state while states to the north have incomes 10 to 20k a year better than Kentucky does.

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Las Vegas has a long and nasty habit of shipping its homeless and mentally ill residents to LA.

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...decided it would be unwise for me to attend... the awards ceremony for our school musical, Little Women.

A smart school would have PUT HIM IN CHARGE of the school musical.

(P.S. to Florida Skuulz: It's Talent that rubs off on people, not Teh Ghey.)

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After all this became public, the nice Kentucky prosecutor charged Horine with escaping,

How many cops were charged with assisting in the escape? What's that, none you say?

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Well perhaps by 2100 such tales will be less frequent.

/ que the Beach Boyz ♪ Let's Go Surfin' ♪

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This should be the state song.


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So to sum it up, a man from Kentucky who is hearing voices, feels suicidal, is not sleeping, has no medication and wants to hurt “certain people” is still more sane than Kentucky police? Seems about right.

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Or "I guess I just wasn't made for these times."

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Ugh, why would Florida want those? Oh, right... Florida...

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