Gin, glorious Gin!Good old Bombay Sapphire!When I'm in the mood --Hold the lime and the tonic!Dry martini, three olives!Vermouth out of the questionHack pundits lack it, boys --introspection!

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I remember the election night of 2012, when Peggums assured her listeners that she'd seen a lot of Romney signs on her way to the studio from the airport and "something is happening out there." What was happening out there, of course, was Obama cruising to another win. This dim alcoholic has been coasting for decades on a talent for stringing words together without any real evidence or support for her half-witted ideas.

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God, I love these those so much.

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Please review the rules, item #5.

What part of "no more hilarious incest jokes about Ivanka Trump. They're basically a way of saying 'Hurr hurr child rape is funny if we're talking about Donald Trump's family'" was unclear to you?

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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And she's still hanging around long after her time.

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Damn, if only I had one of the bait VMs that we had back when I worked at VMware

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I try to be a team player

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I was sitting over here on the couch listening and watching as Paul fucked with these idiots and trying really hard not to snort laugh. There was much wiping of laughter tears here at the cabin.

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It’s part of the basic package here, although RWNJ stepdad thinks I don’t get it at all because I deleted it from the TiVo list. He wanted me to complain to my cable company. My inside smile was very wicked.

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I love messing with scammers. Sometimes I hear voices and airplanes flying in the room but sadly, they all catch on at some point.

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What's all this fuss about Peggy Noonan being addicted to gym. I think that it's a good thing for country club women to go to the gym. I mean, what else do they have to live for. And, at the gym, they can meet young men (or women) who might spice up their country club sex lives a bit. But most importantly, going to the gym is good for one's overall health. It gets your blood flowing, your lungs pu . . . What? What? Addicted to gin. Did you say, "addicted to gin"? Well. That's different.

Never mind.

E. Litella

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Another fun ruse to fuck with scammers is to make it sound like a somebody is being murdered in the background. If the scammer will stay on the line long enough, you accuse them of being a witness and needing to get their personal information.

It's fun.

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I kind of live for these

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Well at least Pegs provides plenty of ammunition, like a good GOPer.

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