Profit motive: the love of money is the root of all evil.

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Also, too, the QAnon nutters. tRump and his minions aren't saving children, they're endangering them! No conspiracy theory, this is an actual conspiracy!

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Yep, gotta lie to themselves or accept the fact that they are the monster that is being claimed.

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Great, now we just need to build deprogramming centers to handle 150 million people. On the upside, it would be one hell of a jobs program. Of course it would require college-educated people, which means that there would be 2 jobs for every smart person, and the Trump cultists would still be unemployed and unemployable.

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Hows about we try some good old fashioned deprogramming first?

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and they aren't lied to about what is happening

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and he knows that he's spewing utter bullshit when he says it's just like when regular people get arrested and separated from their children.

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Eventually, when the turmoil in my own life is less threatening, I'll watch this online. Last night, however, I wasn't ready for the broadcast, and I feel the same today.

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However nebulous those 'ends' turn out to be.

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Yup. If you advertised a la Hank Scorpio you'd be turning people away.

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I couldn't even watch it. I have trouble enough watching the excerpt the NewsHour showed. all their pain and its so unnecessary

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Invisible fence = religion, law, social custom, and every other thing that pressures every last one of us into staying within certain bounds and not even challenging them most of the time. Some of us voluntarily apply further limits to ourselves, based on what our consciences dictate; but most of the time, what we like to chalk up to "conscience" is simply following the path of least resistance.

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Have I told you I love these posts? They spark a movie short every fucking time, at least in the theatre of my mind.

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Yes, this needs to be done.The online #metoo lists offer some pointers.No it's not nice, it raises all kinds of issues, it can and will be abused, there will be challenges under libel law and employment-related law, probably. But it should be done.

There's no reason those lists can't be started now. It will take time to iron out the kinks and define the terms of being on the lists, rules for challenges to inclusion and so on.If we would shun Nazis in private life then we should shun MAGA apparatchiks, down to very low levels of involvement, as well.

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Having similar impulses/feelings

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We can start by making sure people understand that it’s ok to punch Nazis

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