If you want the same result - the poor President being unable to eat - then yeah.

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Food safety doesn't require much of an intellect...

Yeah, wait, you're right.

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Well, there's like 2,000,000 varieties of curry...

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Perhaps this just proves the Kenyan Ursurper is really a mooslin after all.

I'm so friggin' sick and tired of my tax dollars going to pay for that family's food.

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McConnell is auditioning. As if he'll need a job soon. Oh, maybe after some LIEbral actress totally trounces his Koch-sucking ass.

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Society would grind to a quick halt.

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After eating all that crap while campaigning in the red states, maybe Obama hired the taster just to make sure the food tastes good.

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still, good to be king.

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Jeffrey Dahmer?

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