Take Turner's explanation, make it an angry white guy who shoots up something liberal after reading every book by a Fox News or right-wing radio pundit, and see how quickly those arguments hold absolutely no water whatsoever.

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Even if he has to beat the living shit out of them. And, if granny gets caught a couple of times, collateral damage.

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1. Why is he still alive?2. Rape is a felony. Being gay is not.3. Committing a crime involves conscious choice. Sexuality does not.

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From the Boston Globe:


Suck it haters.

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"You have to ruthlessly suppress, intimidate, mock, boycott, sue, charge, and otherwise keep these characters out of real society and away from real human beings, or they will come back like a cancer. That's after you have done everything you can to cure their sickness, but frankly, some of them just dont want to be cured of it."

Amazingly enough, that's what they say about us.

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It's a family quarrel. Big brother Moses and little brother Jesus go at it hammer and tongs, but they form a united front against cousin Mohammed or those Buddhists and Hindus from next door.

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So, a symphony!

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So they're religious then?

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Well, I'm glad to hear you wash your hands after all that.

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Read an article in which an ex-employee of the State Department compared it to working in a multi-story outhouse.

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Every time! With soap.

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I can see his concern here, if he gets to feeling a bit rapey, the last thing he wants is to find a pecker in the knickers of that little nice lady he followed from the little girls room. poor feller could get traumatized by a thing like that.

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Why are you bringing up this man's past? He's been saved! He's been forgiven! It's if those rapes never happened at all! All you have to do is say "I'm sowwy, Jeebus" and the pain and suffering he caused is erased! The victims forget that they ever happened!

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Home of the brave, my ass.

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no . . . that's bipartisanship.

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Sarah is taking notes.

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