So it's not a problem of not having phones/cameras, but of not having a quick, under-the-radar way to upload and post images and texts? Makes sense.
"...the Tuaregs to take over the north – and then get sidelined by jihadi groups who ostensibly were their allies."
This aspect of the Malian events is not being reported much. My impression has been that the Jihadists were themselves Libyans who fled after Ghaddafi's fall. Is that not the case?
Q: Beyond what happened in the Arab Spring, and is still happening, how much access is there to twitter in, say, the Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali? What chance is there for the "silent" corners of the globe to become less silent?
E.g., you mentioned Belarus & Kyrgyzstan--stories not reported much at all in the US or probably Europe.
<i>Andy C. I wouldn&rsquo;t say they&rsquo;re evolving; I&rsquo;d say there are multiple Twitter etiquettes depending on the community using it. Some people will use it share naked selfies while others use it to foment rebellion. To each his own.</i>
Are those two purposes mutually exclusive?
Or should you have multiple twit-handles for your multiple purposes?
Just like newspapers--social media can expose and disseminate information but are also a means for like-minded groups to find and encourage each other--echo chambers etc.
What seems to be specific to Twitter is the <i>speed</i> of it.
Reminds me a lot of the adage that the USSR was brought down by the invention of the fax machine--lightning fast in its day. Impossible to control info when it&#039;s moving so fast.
Are there any comedians like Aasif Mandvi <a href="http:// <a href="http://("" target="_blank">("</a> target="_blank"> <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">" target="_blank">(" rel="nofollow noopener" title=""> that are allowed to speak on current events in their native countries? I&#039;m thinking satire/snark doesn&#039;t play well in authoritarian regimes such as the Muslim nations we currently are attempting to war with.
Mmm, copypasta alla snarca, my favorite! Large linguine with anchovies, capers, black olives, and the bitter tears of Republicans.
We have to pull this whole thread over, just for you, JackDempsey?!?
So it&#039;s not a problem of not having phones/cameras, but of not having a quick, under-the-radar way to upload and post images and texts? Makes sense.
&quot;...the Tuaregs to take over the north &ndash; and then get sidelined by jihadi groups who ostensibly were their allies.&quot;
This aspect of the Malian events is not being reported much. My impression has been that the Jihadists were themselves Libyans who fled after Ghaddafi&#039;s fall. Is that not the case?
Q: Beyond what happened in the Arab Spring, and is still happening, how much access is there to twitter in, say, the Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali? What chance is there for the &quot;silent&quot; corners of the globe to become less silent?
E.g., you mentioned Belarus &amp; Kyrgyzstan--stories not reported much at all in the US or probably Europe.
<i>Andy C. I wouldn&rsquo;t say they&rsquo;re evolving; I&rsquo;d say there are multiple Twitter etiquettes depending on the community using it. Some people will use it share naked selfies while others use it to foment rebellion. To each his own.</i>
Are those two purposes mutually exclusive?
Or should you have multiple twit-handles for your multiple purposes?
Just like newspapers--social media can expose and disseminate information but are also a means for like-minded groups to find and encourage each other--echo chambers etc.
What seems to be specific to Twitter is the <i>speed</i> of it.
Reminds me a lot of the adage that the USSR was brought down by the invention of the fax machine--lightning fast in its day. Impossible to control info when it&#039;s moving so fast.