I'm not sure if she's likable enough. She should smile ore.

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Just imagine all those incels who were totally thinking about voting for Warren but now are too butt hurt to do it.

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She knows she's already lost the bigot vote;

Exactly, What huge block of voters do they think she's alienated? A bunch of goobers who were never going to vote for a vagina-haver any way? I don't get this constant mantra that democrats need to keep chasing the conservative white male vote. How many of them were even considering voting for Warren before she made that quip?

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Do these stupid assholes not realise that a forgettable white dude who licks bigoted ass will lead to people either not voting or voting third party? If you've got one party doing crimes and the other party sitting there with both fists up its ass going "HURF DURF WELL IS IT REALLY CRIMES THO" then why bother voting for the second party?

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Warren didn't disrespect men. She mocked one male bigot. Any men who identify with that bigotry wouldn't vote Dem anyway.

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She was implying that the theoretical person that she was answering would have a hard time finding a date.

Yes, this is how far The Right now has to reach to try to discredit a Democratic presidential candidate.

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That's one issue that everyone agrees on, even Republican voters, that the rich need to pay more in taxes. I liked that Warren was promising a $200 a month raise in Social Security, and was planning on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for it. That's what I'd call a win-win.

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I'm a fairly intelligent person, and even I was worrying about "Hillary's emails" during the 2016 election. Someone said to me "have Republicans EVER found any dirt on the Clintons?" They have not, other than that Bill had a consensual affair with an adult woman.

To this day I still hear Democrats talking about how Bill Clinton "abused women." Juanita Broaddrick claims BC raped her, and that the Clintons murdered her husband and her cat. Paula Jones was on the GOP's payroll for a decade. Call my cynical, but when these women who were all Bill Clinton's "victims" showed up to support a man who bragged on tape that he enjoyed forcing himself on women, I started to think they weren't very believable.

If Republicans repeat the lies often enough, people believe them. Some times even smart people.

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I'm always thrilled when I meet a blue collar worker who is a strong Democrat. Not everyone who works a blue collar job is dumb, or thinks that cutting taxes on the wealthy will benefit them.

I think Democrats would be a lot better off if we focused on what issues are going to make EVERYONE's life better. Then after we gain power, just quietly going about making things more progressive. For example, Barack Obama didn't run on gay rights, in fact he said he was opposed to gay marriage. I'm gay, but voted for him anyway, because I knew he'd be the lesser of two evils, and he probably really did support gay marriage, he just didn't want to give the GOP ammunition.

I'm not thrilled with any of our candidates this time around. I probably like Buttigeig the best, because he's Midwestern and bland, but also young and smart. I wish he'd gotten more traction. My main issue for the 2020 election is who can get rid of Trump.

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Of course! We should all trash Biden, who Trump is most scared of running against, because god forbid we actually win the election, and can make changes for the better. Let's pick the candidate who the most left wing people want, and then when we lose, we'll find someone else to blame, rather than just accepting the reality that the country isn't as far left as we'd like to think it is. I support Medicare For All, but I don't think this is the election to try to be pushing it.

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I agree that raising taxes on the 1% is a very popular issue. Republicans are already painting us as the people who want to raise YOUR taxes, to try to create a socialist utopia. We need to make it very clear that we're going to raise taxes on the wealthy to help YOU, the average voter.

Reparations, busing, forcing people to give up their private insurance, open borders, healthcare for immigrants are all issues that are candidates are supporting. These may appeal to our primary voters, but they are huge losers in the general election. I'd stay away from those issues like they had leprosy if I was a Dem candidate.

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That's true of any issue - Republicans never care about anything, unless it affects them personally. James Brady was a big 2nd Amendment supporter, until he got shot in the head.

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You know, as a white lady, I'm sometimes bothered by all the "Becky" and "Karen" crap recently being aimed at white women, and it sometimes makes me want to say "not all of us are like that."

And then I get a fucking grip on myself and grow the fuck up and remember that enough of us ARE, even if I'm personally NOT, so we fucking deserve that characterization after all this time, and my discomfort is due only to the fact that I have - until very recently - been insulated from stereotypes of that kind by my privilege, and that, if I'm not like that, they're not disapproving of me.


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"Arcade or Super Nintendo"

I am ded. Kitteh haz lost life. But happy kitteh.

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And the pantsuits!

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