Oh willyalookitthat, a deep-Red state just flipped Blue.

Polls wherewhowhat?

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Don't forget to close off with DEMS IN DISARRAYYYYYYY!!!!

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I didn't expect Doom to be quite so perky, or to have Powerpoints. I had sort of expected giant icy comets or such.

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Let's not exaggerate. It's probably more like 450.

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or have such a good range of cardigans!

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For the last couple years, we've been told people voted for trump to "shake things up," but now we're told they won't vote for Senator Professor Warren because they don't like "disruption"? Because why would anyone want to disrupt the current shit show dumpster fire that is the trump administration. Yeah, let's carry on with that.

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I hate cowards with a passion, and all of this concern over Warren is cowardice. If they were sports coaches they would play not to lose,instead of playing to win. Warren is the only one who can foster the hope for change that we desperately need. To not vote for her because you think she scares all of the other cowards is cowardice.

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Yes, I actually see her as the exact opposite.

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I spent a lot of time yesterday asking supposed “moderate Democrats” that if the choice was between trump and Warren, or Sanders, or [insert supposedly unelectable extremist liberal here], who they would vote for? Would they choose the known criminal narcissistic toddler, or someone who maybe they weren’t very fond of but who generally was a good person with the country’s best interests in heart? I got a lot of crickets...

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She’s got a plan for that.

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Okay, that I expected.

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There are several moderate Republicans running against Trump for the GOP nomination; the moderate media Republicans should work to support them instead of joining the rest of the media in pretending that they don't exist while telling the Democratic Party who we can nominate.

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Oh...fucking fuck...just STOP. The nominee will be the one that wins the most primaries, gets the most votes, or however the arcane system works. What we need from the media is reporting on what the candidates are saying, doing, and planning.

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It's a balancing act and no-one has a crystal ball on how the balance plays out. Until the morning after, then fucking everybody seems to have had a crystal ball the whole time, to hear them tell.

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