Ain't no party like an Alan Keyes Kool Impeachment Party cuz a Kool Impeachment Party don't stop (for evidence or due process).

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Hello, Dr. Snippy. Even if Alan Keys wasn't a complete lunatic … you’d never get an asylum to commit. … What’s the point when there is no decent mental health system to speak of? And yet he remains as one of the Right's "best" think-people and writers of good-word articles of salad. Perhaps our main goal, this is; we MUST make up some derp about sky-diety … so rubes will give us some moneeze. Is this not far more important than “dealing” with the "real issues" and rebuilding of American exceptionalism?

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There's thoughts in there somewhere, they're just tangled up in a rat's nest of derp.

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<i>"you actually read through what I write and have written about impeachment..."</i>

Dear Dr. Keyes:

Do I need to read both what you wrote <i>and</i> what you have written?

Yours truly, JustPixelz

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Alan, Alan, Alan. It's time to put that 2004 defeat behind you and move on.

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Would any money sent to them count as Kool Aid?

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If only the Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians, French and British had had some means of Impeaching their Mobilizations, World War I need never have happened!

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