no i don't think this has been noted elsewhere.

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Shooters' Committee on Political Education (S.C.O.P.E.) Fuck yeah!

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Craigslist has a separate listing category for slots.

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If I remember right, each synaptic relay in a brain sequence takes something on the order of 50-100 milliseconds. There are a million nanoseconds in a millisecond, which is even shorter than Congressman Lee apparently takes to resign his seat.

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The Congressional Record? The Washington Times? Politico? Twitter?

Did I pass?

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[taps foot....]

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That's nothing to what I could say, if I chose.

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Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves.

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i would guess spaniels are involved.

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Nah, he just wanted a slot.

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This guy should take some lessons from Vitter. He went down too easy. Maybe there is something really sleazy that has yet to be dug up like pirated cable or kitten porn. Wimp.

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Did the gays win the right to get gay-married in NY yet, which would explain why the Honorable Congressman's opposite-marriage crumbled into a steaming pile of midlife crisis bared-torso flex photo sex trolling emails?

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i will say this for the new republican congress: they didn't wait long for the inappropriate sexual conduct.

it's good to know the adults are back in charge.

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Lee apparently described himself to the woman he contacted (using his real name!!) as "a fit, fun classy guy". This confirms my belief about the paradoxical use of the word "classy".

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also: i heard somebody on the floor today demanding "jobs, jobs, jobs!! where are the jobs mr. speaker?!?! the republicans have been in office for four weeks and we've had nothing about jobs!!!!"

i wasn't sure if it was a duly elected rep or a wonkette commenter...

or both.

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Off topic, but Sarah Palin gave her opinion (!! on groups boycotting CPAC for letting a gay Republican group participate, and the word salad problem has not resolved:

"It's like you being on a panel, shoot, with a bunch of the liberal folks whom you have been on and you provide good information and balance, and you allow for healthy debate, which is needed in order for people to gather information and make up their own minds about issues."

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